Can I just tell y’all how excited I am that my bloggy friend Kristen agreed to guest post here? I can? Good! I am so EXCITED!
I “found” her in this bloggy world one day when I decided to click on her name in the comments on another blog and I am so glad I did! Her wonderful blog, Loving Our Simple Life, is full of joy and she has such a true love for her family that comes through in EVERY single post she does, inlcuding this one. Thanks Kristen for sharing your words and family here at my place!
When the ever fabulous Elaine asked me to do a guest post for her, I was flattered.
And then, I was nervous.
What should I write about?
I could talk about the girl’s weekend I took last November. When 3 friends and I took off from our sunny state in the Southwest and flew to San Francisco. How I was a nervous wreck leaving behind our 14 month old and 2 year old. How I questioned the whole way there, as to why I deserved this kind of break from a job that I had chosen. How until the plane landed I was pretty much riddled with my own self-inflicted guilt.
But once the plane landed, a relaxed state took place that I had been missing in my life. And from that point on, vacation, truly was what it was.
We went shoe shopping. At Nordstrom’s. My all time favorite place to buy shoes. And not once, did I place a goldfish cracker into a stroller compartment so “Mama could have one more second.”
We shopped for hours at 3 different H&M’s. Where we all tried on piles and piles of clothes. And not once, did I search for something for the kids.
We ate dinner late. Like after 8 PM late. When we were hungry. And not once, did we let others eat off of our plates.
We slept in. Like after 8 AM slept in. And not once, did the sound of a monitor and someone calling my name rouse me.
It was therapy, it truly was. But the fact that it was a year ago, makes it somewhat pathetic for me to go on and on about.
Then I thought I could write something funny, or earth shattering, or thought provoking about being a mom.
But each time one of those ideas came to mind, I thought “who am I kidding”? I am so not one of those blog writers.
The fact is, that I really truly write for my kids. They are who I am. They are the reason I get up each morning. They are what I plan my day around. And they are most definitely my favorite way to spend my moments. See my husband had a benign brain tumor a year and half ago. And since that time, I truly try to live each moment for what it is. Another chance to love on those that matter most.
So most days you will not find me shoe shopping at Nordstrom’s, or trying on piles of clothes at H & M. But you will find me hugging, laughing, chasing, and playing with my two little sweet peas. These moments go by too quickly for me to miss.
Elaine– great choice! Kristen is the best!!
Kristen– you are so one of those bloggers. You just aren’t over the top. It’s in the simple statements that provoke the most thought or emotion. For me anyway. How much you love your family is an amazing and powerful thing
Thank you!
So nice to meet you Kristen, beautiful post!
take care,
Elaine-nice pick for a guest!
Kristen-Thanks for yet another refreshing, honest post!
elaine – lovely pick indeed
and my dear kristen i love you for exactly who you are – an amazing mama and wife and a truly wonderful friend!
What a beautiful post, reminding is that it’s the simple, everyday moments that really matter! A getaway is a welcome break…but home is really where it’s at.
What a meaningful post….no matter where I go my heart and soul are always at home.
So nice to meet you and such a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing!
Kristen is wonderful! If you don’t read her regularly, you should! Great choice, Elaine!
Kristen, although I would love to head out on a shopping adventure with you, this is exactly how I picture you–laughing and loving your precious little babies . . .
Great choice for a guest poster Elaine.
I adore Kristen.
I always enjoy something about each one of your posts. Sometimes it is your fabulous writing, sometimes it is the simplicity of your life, sometimes it is your incredible photography, and sometimes it is just your genuine love of family that shines through.
Somehow you managed to do it all in this post!
Loved it friend…loved it!
Hi, Kristen – I enjoyed your guest post! I’ll have to check out your blog, too!