Hey y’all! Last week was a whirlwind and once again I kinda “just remembered” that Old School Blogging is still a thing that I do here. Blame it on the show (Listen To Your Mother, that is). Thankfully I have cool friends like Angela that are really good with something called “short notice” and can come up with an idea for OSB lickety-split.
This month is a bit different. Copy the bold words and then the rest is up to you. Fill in the words or sentences however you wish. Mine just kinda came out in about 5 minutes (with a few minor adjustments). And then I decided to intermix some recent IG photos because I like my posts to have pictures. Always.
Thanks to the Amazing Angela from Jumping With My Fingers Crossed for co-hosting with me and for this month’s theme. Now I wonder if she can make a video with her dancing out of this somehow? I honestly would not be surprised! 😀
I am tired a lot.
I wonder if it is because I am 40 now.
I hear the dog bark. The kids laugh and fight and play. The bacon sizzle on the pan. The birds outside. Taylor Swift in my van. Music on my phone while I run.
I see my computer screen. Piles of laundry. The road before me. The inside of a grocery story (a lot). Cute kid faces. My husband’s face as he walks in the door after a long day.
I want ice cream to not have calories.
I am full of writing aspirations. And missing photography a bit lately…
I pretend that I live in a different house.
I feel SO much. Anxiety, emotion. Overwhelmed. Love, lack of patience. Like I am missing something…
I touch my kids’ hair. My hubby’s beard. The dog’s soft fur.
I worry about the next school year (kids are changing schools). About my family that I am not with.
I cry spontaneaously.
I am occasionally green with envy.
I understand what it’s like to want something really badly.
I say things I shouldn’t sometimes.
I dream of life being more simple.
I try to make it that way, but I think I fail.
I hope someday it will happen.
I am a blessed wife, mother, daughter, friend.
Now it’s your turn to fill in the blanks! And don’t forget to tweet with us – @elainea and @AngelaYBlood – with hashtag #OSBlog!
And PLEASE visit some (if not all) linkers. I know I am going to be super curious to see how everyone fills out this one!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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