Hello all, Hubby here hijacking the blog again for a very important message. See, as you probably know, Elaine gets products and other items sent to her to review on her blog. A while back she was sent the Football Guys one of the Sports Action Figures from Kaskey Kids.
Now, first off, I don’t particularly pay attention to the products she gets and reviews online but this one had the words “football” and “guys” in it so I had to take a gander. You see, I myself, like many red-blooded American males am indeed a football fan. I don’t say “sports” fan because it really is pretty limited to football. Nine months out of the year I can’t even spell E-S-P-N, but come Autumn, boy howdy you’d better hand over the remote control. Let’s just say that “So you think you can Privately Practice Dancing Gleefully with the Stars” gets demoted to the bedroom. (okay not always)
So I open this box of “Football Guys” up and I was like, “that’s it?” It’s just a felt gridiron, two plastic goal posts and a bunch of plastic army-men-like football dudes in various football stances. I honestly thought, and I told Elaine as much, that my boys would never play with it. I mean, there’s no batteries, no lights, no sounds, no moving parts. Nuthin. Zip. Nada. And sure enough, the boys took it out the first day and their response was summed up with…”meh”.
But then something happened….
Football Season Started (pause for a moment of silent reverence)
I guess watching some football with Daddy, or watching Daddy watch some football, or asking Daddy to stop watching football made an impression because I noticed when I came home from work that the Football guys were out quite often. I had forgotten the power of a child’s imagination. Sure they didn’t move or make noise. It then occurred to me that my initial thought of plastic Army-men was quite appropriate as I had spent HOURS as a child playing with little green army men with nothing but the power of my imagination (well, and occasionally a magnifying glass death-ray)
They loved the Football guys. The B-man would even line them up on a scrimmage line and pretend to make touchdowns and field goals.
I can only begin to try to explain to you moms out there what a bond can be made between father and son when it comes to sports, particularly favorite teams. The specific sport doesn’t matter: football, baseball, basketball, soccer…although if it’s synchronized swimming let me know your address, cuz I’m on my way over to give a man-tervention.
Bottom line, the Football Guys were a hit with my young sons, allowing them to use their imagination and reflect in their play the passion their father has for the game of Football.
I encourage you to check them out here at Kaskey Kids. The Football guys are an excellent product because they are well-made, quiet, encourage imagination and have their own container.
While this post and review has been about Football (my only true sports passion), Kaskey Kids knows there apparently are OTHER sports out there as they also have: Baseball Guys, Hockey Guys, Soccker Guys (AND GIRLS) and even some college themed Football Guys. Sorry, they don’t have synchronized swimmers yet…
Here’s the boys playing with the Football Guys:
Get 10% off of any Sports Guys on the Kaskey Kids site with the code “GoGuys.” They’d make a great Christmas gift!!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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