Last week I met with Ben’s teacher for my very first parent/teacher conference and… I don’t think he could have gotten a better report. Except that he did not know the color purple. Well, he’s a boy, I mean why does he have to know THAT color. Obviously I’m kidding. She did say his behavior is fabulous (can we have a little of that wonderfull-ness up in here please? – actually he is a pretty good boy…) and that his work is pristine. Well except for those backwards Zs. No biggie, he’ll get it before he graduates. Anyway, it was SO nice to leave there as a proud mother after she had nothing but good things to say about my Kindergarten boy. I was so full of pride and told him as much when I returned home.
I went out shopping for a bit on Sunday (BY MYSELF!!) and visited the local Old Navy. I was on my cell phone talking at first and it wasn’t until I got to the middle of the store that I realized that they had changed the layout and design of the store. I hadn’t been drinking THAT much – (oh just kidding!) so I knew it wasn’t just me. And while still on the phone with my friend I also realized- that store is for teeny boppers. I did manage to find a couple of cute cheap things but really, I think I’m past being able to wear most of those clothes. And I hate that. Loathe it. Deteste…
Tim got the Louisiana plates for our cars last week and yes it took forever but I’m so glad he did that and not me because hey! I’d rather have a root canal that deal with that kinda stuff. Somehow that makes it more official to me that we REALLY live here now. And that? Kinda makes me want to go back ‘home…’
On Sunday we cleaned the house like crazy. Toys went away, huge living room floors were mopped, a certain five year-old helped dust, papers got recycled and ditched. It was BEAUTIFUL. And just FYI, this always happens after I have a baby. About 4-6 weeks after I go stir crazy with the lack of cleanliness and tidyness in the house and HAVE TO HAVE IT CLEANED NOW OR ELSE. So, I feel better now, how ’bout you? (many kudos to my WONDERFUL, MAGNIFICENT husband who did all the mopping and much of the work…)
Oh and I don’t think I’d mentioned yet that we sold our house in Texas and closed a couple of weeks ago. SO crazy happy about that little (HUGE) transaction. I mean there were some mixed emotions since it was our first house but two house/rent payments = no love. So bye, bye house, it was a good run!
The Boppy pillow really is one of the coolest inventions ever. Just thought I’d throw that in…
We are hosting some good friends here for Thanksgiving this year (hey Clarks!) and I’m excited to plan the menu and stuff. Although it’s probably just going to be turkey and stuffing and potatoes and bread and LOTS of pie. Or maybe JUST lots of pie. I’m sure they’d be down with that. (lemme know y’all, k?) I tease… sorta.
The weather has been quite nice here lately. All I know is that the God-awful humidity is mostly gone and that is an absolutely wonderful thing. Halloween night was perfect weather and that made it all the more enjoyable. So let me just say to the weather Gods (although I don’t believe in that sort of thing…) “Please keep it coming. This weather is just perfect and wonderful. Thank you.”
Tim and I are MOST excited to go to dinner JUST THE 2 OF US on Friday night to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. Our neighbors have agreed to babysit. It will be the first time we’ve ever used anyone besides family to watch the children. But you know what WHO CARES, it’s dinner ALONE baby! Happy Anniversary to us. And there may be a side trip to a martini bar but don’t tell, k?
Happy Tuesday to all…
Have fun on your awesome night out!
Can’t wait to come visit!
You’re so upbeat it makes me smile…sounds like everthing is falling right into place.
Have a wonderful anniversary!
I loved the boppy for myself after giving birth. Let’s just say my girlie bits weren’t normal and man that pillow was a great relief!
Love your update! Glad to hear you got such a great report from your little’s man’s teacher! Yay! And I’m excited for your anniversary – have fun! You SO deserve it, my dear!
Yea for getting things done. Our Old Navy changed their layout too. It is always hit-or-miss with me when I go there. Sometimes I find stuff that I love, and sometimes I am uninspired.
Enjoy your night out! You have to find people to trust to babysit or you will have a much harder time adjusting to your new location. I’m sure you will have a great night.
I love the randomness, bring it on baby! Have a great night out with your hubby and a few martinis are definitely in order. You deserve it!
Congrats on 10 years! Sounds like you had a good weekend. And way to go Kindy boy!
Ok, I think it is kind of funny that the teacher needed to tell you that your son doesn’t know the color Purple!
Congratulations on selling your house. That has to feel goooood!
Want to come (or send your hubs over) and clean my house now that yours is done? Messiness has taken over a bit since the kids have been home sick this week (though I did get the bathroom and kitchen scrubbed – so not a total FAIL).
I don’t know what a bobby pillow is. Now I feel like I’m missing out!
fun post. randomness is always fun!
This is one of the Clarks reporting that I am soooo down with the pies; apple, pumpkin, and not so much pecan but Claudia likes pecan so that one is fine too.
We are really looking forward to visiting over Thanksgiving. I even had a dream last night about it which I can share later.
Claudia and I just had our first parent/teacher conference for Ethan as well and he got great marks all around. It is great that our kids are doing so good in school.
See you in three weeks.
Happy Anniversary & make sure to stop at the martini bar before returning home!! It’s a must! Enjoy.
Happy Anniversary and I’m so glad you’re going out to celebrate. It’s so important to have adult/husband & wife time after the kids are born.
I had 2 boppy pillows and used them for a million things. They were great!
I’m glad everything is going so well. You’re an inspiration.
I’m not nursing anymore but we still love our boppy
Happy Anniversary!
Wes got a good Kindergarten Report too! I’m sort of amazed!!
I go through that post-baby cleaning binge, too! It’s like reverse nesting or something. At about 5 weeks PP, I would have moved furniture if I’d been able!
OK, did no one notice that I called the Boppy the “Bobby” pillow in this post? Or are y’all just too nice to say anything? What a dufus I am!
I’ve changed it now…
I’m so glad you’re getting out with the hubs this week!
I would like the whole family to pitch in and clean the house! You’re lucky!
Congrats on the 2nd house selling! We had 2 mortgages for 9 months and I thought I was going to die. I know you’re happy!
You know what I really love about your random posts? How YOU they are, I can totally hear you saying all that, just stream of consciousness. And that’s totally fun.
YAY for no longer paying for a 2nd home!!! but hey, I LIKE Old Navy!
10 years definitely deserves a dinner out!! And a couple of martinis to boot! Yay you!!
10 years definitely deserves a dinner out!! And a couple of martinis to boot! Yay you!!