Both Kimber and Bridget gave me this little gem of an award – the Honest Scrap award. Thanks ladies! You’re so sweet to think of me and pass this along!

Here is what it comes with:

1). List 10 honest things about yourself – and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!

2). Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

So here’s my ten. Interesting? Probably not. True? yes…

10. I smell my own hair a lot.

9. I have a fear of window treatments. As in measuring for and purchasing. I don’t get it either.

8. I bite my nails. Sometimes I let them grow out but usually my thumbs are the worst.

7. I would sleep until 10 a.m. everyday if I could. (or later)

6. I have pretty perfect feet. My toes do a nice diagonal line down and my second toe is NOT taller than my big toe on either foot.

5. I didn’t start plucking my eyebrows until about 2 years ago. Now I look back at pictures and think, “Dang girl, those things were outta control!”

4. I broke up with Tim 3 weeks before we got engaged (that’s a WHOLE ‘nother post, isn’t it?)

3. It took me 10 minutes to dust the wooden blind in my den the other day (window treatment was already there when I moved in!) I need a cleaning person…

2. I am coveting new carpet for my house right now.

1. I don’t particularly care to do dishes so most nights there are some left in the sink.

There you have it, stuff you wish you NEVER knew about me! : )

Here are the other bloggers that I bestow this lovely award upon (yes, there are only four and yes, I’m tired and need to go to bed…)

3. Tina @ Golden Goodness

4. Wendy @ Ruens on The Run

P.S. I am guest-posting over here today. Go check it out if you have a minute! : ) (Please, check it out – Kami is a bloggy BFF!)


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