The house we live in and me, well…. we have a love/hate relationship. I love the size of the closets and all the rooms actually. I hate the lack of curb appeal. I love the kitchen, and it’s bright windows over the sink but I hate the fact that a “real”-sized fridge does not fit since the space was built in the 1970’s and it is RIGHT NEXT TO the door that opens from the garage. I love the light in our living room from the big, picture windows but I hate the crazy-placed mis-matched lights switches all over this place, that took me literally years to get used to.
But I do believe you can make a house a home without everything about it being your favorite. I’ve done it many times before so I guess I might even be a preacher of that statement.
Of course a home is about the space but to me, it is more about what you put in that space that really make it yours.
A couple of weeks ago we decided to change things around in this house.
I was SO tired of having the kids’ toy shelf in our living room. My living room (there is only one living area) was usually overtaken by toys, mostly of the LEGO kind. But also games and Barbies and horse barns and on and on. I do not mind the kids playing in there some, but it was “let’s clean up” every night and I was OVER IT.
Also we (mostly meaning Ben and then me and then Tim) decided it was time for Ben to have his own room. So, we moved him into the room that used to be Katie’s and moved Katie and Gavin in together, in the bigger bedroom. And we moved that toy shelf into the kids’ room. Thank the Lord!
Ben’s New Room:
Can you tell he likes The Dallas Cowboys and Star Wars? Also super heroes.
Here’s a little video of him seeing it for the first time when he returned from camp after two weeks!!
I think he likes it.
G and K’s New Room
This place is a colorful mishmash of what we already had for K’s room and toys, etc. Tim grabbed the bean bag chairs from the bull’s eye store. That’s an old rug from IKEA, which I may still replace. They could use a bigger one. I just love the pattern… I am so glad they now have all their toys in their room (or closet) and that there is a good place to display G’s artwork!
And yes, we (meaning mostly Tim) are okay with t.v.s in bedrooms, obviously. It’s not really my thing but they do like to play games on them sometimes or watch movies on their own, parental approved of course.
So what happened to the space where the toy shelf was?
Isn’t it glorious?
My own reading spot. Or you know, whoever else might want to use it when I am not. That writing desk is something I bought on my own many years ago and it has served as my nightstand for many years. But Tim decided we HAD to complete our bedroom set with matching night stands so we ordered another one (it helped that we got a notice from the furniture manufacturer that the furniture collection was about to be discontinued)(actually, that may have started all of this…)
Here’s a little “before” shot of that spot above. The toy shelf on the right of Katie is what used to be here.
(per Jennie’s request in the comments…)
Then Tim also suggested we move our home office around so that I could have more space. I liked where he was going with this… It’s not a very big room so we debated about how to change things for quite a while. We even considered purchasing more furniture but finally we realized we had enough already. We just needed to reconfigure.
This is what it looks like when you walk in the room…
It is much more open than it used to be.
And here are some close-ups of my space. As y’all can tell, I like color!
The things on the little wall shelf are a pic of B and G when G was a baby… an “original” piece of abstract art by Katie and a watercolor print I bought in NYC on my first trip there when I was in college. Also, a framed card that says “Je T’aime”, which means “I love you” in French. I took French in school and have always loved the sound of that phrase in that language so… Also, a big “E” and a little “E” that a friend gave me years ago. (The big E is from Anthropologie and I just bought it for myself from the clearance section a few years ago). The other corner is a bit cluttered but I’m a saver so… pics and things from the kids and notes and framed pics, as well as my shadow box with my half marathon stuff.
My favorite is the lamp, which I got at Target. and the jar of flowers from Kirklands. And my “E” mug from a friend, for my last birthday. You cannot really see, but I also put the two books I have essays in, right near me (by the flowers) so I can see them for writerly motivation.
This space is very personal for me so I need it to reflect a lot about me and offer up inspiration. I may add or take away things as I see fit.
I also ordered this print for the wall, but it has not come in yet, so use your imagination. Please.
So, the huge white/wood desk that is in the office now used to be in our bedroom. Now I have a lovely sitting area where the desk was before!
Sweet, right? Nothing wrong with another reading spot.
Also, this makes our master bedroom totally legit now.
(pay no attention the wrinkly bedding. I don’t make my bed often.)
I am now a bit more on the “love” side of the scale as far as this house goes. I have stopped bugging my husband about finding a new house anyway, so that’s definitely progress. Ha!
Lastly, I leave you with pics of the little gallery wall I did above the keyboard/piano, on the other side of the very long wall in our living room (thank you to Pictli for the easily framed photo of one of my favorite shots of Ben & Katie) and our one of our mantle.
Home is definitely where there heart is!
Stay tuned because I still need to show you my revamped back porch (with a little giveaway!) YAY!
Come to my house. Please. It needs you. This looks AMAZING.
Val recently posted…Why I Stopped Listening to the Experts
I wish I could come to your house! To see you and that part of the country!
Thank you!!
I feel very much the same way about our home. We’ve lived here for the past 13 years and in that time we’ve rearranged rooms to make things a little fresh. I wish we could update the kitchen but we haven’t had neither time nor money to do so. Oh well… C’est la vie!
Susi recently posted…176/365 – 179/365 Weekend Round-Up
Yeah, the kitchen here could use some updates too. I get that for sure!
I absolutely love what you did with your house and I just did similar with getting the girls new beds and moving all their toys and stuff back into their room. Seriously, I love the way it turned out here, as well and definitely does make such a difference getting the living area back. So couldn’t agree more on that

Janine Huldie recently posted…5 Tips to The Perfect Family Summer OutDoor Drive-In Movie Night
It really does. Like I am SO much happier. Don’t get me wrong, they still bring toys in sometimes but it’s nothing like it was!
I neeeeeed you in Michigan, s’il vous plait? (If I say it in French, you’ll come, right?) I love all of it, honestly!
angela recently posted…Blue and not quite wordless Wednesday
I’ll come no matter what language you say it in, my dear!
I love it – love the Target lamp. You have such good taste!
I want to see a picture of the Before when the toy shelf was there so I can compare.
I so love makeover posts.
Lady Jennie recently posted…Smoked Salmon Salad with Avocado
I added a pic for you to see!
I love all of the changes!!
Jaime recently posted…10 Things to Smile About {June 2015} #10Things
Thank you so much!
I love it! And of course I can totally picture it all in my mind. Mostly I’m glad that it makes you happier to live in that space.
Jennifer recently posted…Classic Shows and Characters on Netflix
I know you are, thanks dear!
I love your little nook, so perfect for reading, napping, daydreaming.
The whole look is bright and beautiful. Every room looks bigger, airy and comfortable.
Plus we are color spirit animals. I love how your use of color just engages and lights up every room.
Great job, enjoy your beautiful spaces.
Kir recently posted…Pour Your Heart Out: 10
Yes, I love pops of color. And since I cannot paint the walls here, it’s a MUST for me!
Thank you, darling!
Wow! You’ve done an amazing job! I adore your reading space… I need something like that too.
Quick, post copies of these pictures in each of the rooms so everyone knows the way the room is “supposed” to look. lol
Thanks for the tour! Absolutely lovely!
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom recently posted…How to Build a Trusting Relationship with Your Child
I should do that, with the pictures, lol!
Thank you, so much!
Oh yeah! From functional to peaceful and ethereal. Love it!
Lady Jennie recently posted…Smoked Salmon Salad with Avocado
Elaine, I LOVE ALL OF IT!!
I also love that G and K were equally excited about Ben’s room. So cute!
Alison recently posted…Bee Stings, Midlife and Telling Stories
Thanks, dear!
And me too, wasn’t that so cute?!
Looks awesome! I need more reading spaces in my house! You can never have too many reading spaces! And a desk?! I’m jealous.
Sarah recently posted…Summer Reading for 2nd Graders – What Nora’s Reading
I totally agree! And you need a desk, girl!
So many wonderful changes! Love all the color, too. I’m so jealous of your new reading nooks. We’re still in the phase where the loving room is covered in toys. Can’t wait for that to be over. And there’s no way my husband would ever suggest sharing his office with me. (Though I’m not really sure I would want to anyway) Looking forward to the backyard makeover pictures!
Leslie recently posted…My Baby is Three Years Old!
Yes, sharing is both good and bad, but mostly good. He has headphones so…
Ooo!! I love it! It looks fantastic!

I love how excited both the kids are for Ben as they help unveil his new room. How sweet are they?
And I LOVE your reading spots. So good. I actually had that Target lamp too (until my boys broke yet another lamp of mine).
I think a house needs a revamp from time to time just to keep things interesting. I love what you did. And I love that you have some space that is just your own now too.
Kat recently posted…The Summer of Ben
Hopefully mine is in a place where the kids cannot break it but *knocks on wood* you never know around here…
And thank you! I’m quite happy with it.