Categories: healthThe B Man

Home Again

I have been home with Ben the last couple of days due to him having a fever and what seems to just be a nasty cold. We did go to the doctor yesterday and he basically said to just give him cold medicine and turn on the humidifier at night. But, with the pesky fever we’re homebound. I felt extremely domestic today while he slept longer than ususal and I made a cake and got all of the laundry done. I could get used to this…

Ben was fine with the doctor until he stuck the tongue drepressor down in his mouth/throat and then all bets were off. He did like the yellow birdie that the doctor wears on his stethescope and mentioned it today when he asked, “Are we going to see Dr. Geppert?” But he was only okay to talk about it once I told him that no, we were just staying home today. I think he was a tad bit relieved.

He did manage to find time to work on his Dora puzzle and play some trains today. I think he could get used to being at home too! We also made a Valentine for Daddy and Ben already told Tim about it while he was talking to him on the phone today. I guess I am learning that two-year olds don’t keep secrets very well… Anyway, here are a couple of shots of “the boy” while he hung out in his p.j.s all day and had a fairly bad hair day (poor guy). It’s also clear at to what state our den/tv room looks like when we are “home sick!”

Hopefully tomorrow he will be fever-less and we will return to our normal routine (not that we don’t like to mix it up a little sometimes…) We are mostly just hoping that our little man feels better!


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