Hey kids, come over here so I can take your picture!!

I’m trying to follow in the footsteps of the lovely Steph and take pics of my kids on the third of every month (she does the fourth since she has four kids, so that’s why I usually do the third, get it?).
I don’t always post them here but I take them.
Except for this month I am abhorrently late.
So here are some pics of my three on the 12th.
Better late than never…. right?
And yes, that is spaghetti sauce around G’s mouth, and banana remnants on K’s shirt.
They were ALL due for a bath. This was around 6:30 p.m.

And you know, when I look at these pics I kind of start to forget that I found a piece of paper on the living room floor tonight with the word “fart” spelled out.  Oh, and that the reason G is no longer wearing the shorts that match that tank top is because he had to have pockets to store his trinkets.  And the other shorts didn’t.  Have pockets that is… And that he’s changed his clothes no less than 5 times since 3:30 this morning.
Yeah, I start to forget a little when I see their sweet faces and smiles.


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