There’s an older man in our neighborhood that I met through the local running club (I was briefly a member) and he lives on the next street. EVERY TIME he sees me run or walk by his house he hollers, “Hey Ellen!”
I guess when we were introduced he never heard my name correctly and I simply do not have the heart to tell him. So I just wave and smile. I mean, I have been called worse.
The other day I walked by with the kids and he and his wife were a few driveways down from their own house, talking to other neighbors, but he still managed to greet me. And I decided in that moment that it is really weird to be called a different name; one that is not your own.
Who is Ellen, anyway? Could she be my alter ego? For some reason I always thought my alter ego would be called “Eileen”. Perhaps because in college I danced to the song, “Come On Eileen” so many times at Dallas night clubs. Of course if a big group of my friends were there with me we would just change it ourselves as we sang/screamed “Come On Elaine!” over the blaring music.
I know a few Ellens and so I also think of them when he calls me that. Maybe in the moment he changes my name I am supposed to be reminded of them, since they are in Texas and I am here. Two in particular come to mind. One is a good friend from college and another was in the church choir with me at our church in Arlington. Very different people, but great Ellens all the same.
So what would he do if he found out after all this time that he has been calling me the wrong name? I know the longer I do not tell him the worse in gets. Will he feel foolish? I guess I would. Will he continue to call me Ellen to be funny? I would probably do that too. I don’t know him well enough to know if his sense of humor would garner such a response but if it did I would laugh and love it all the same. To him I can be Ellen, even though to the rest of the world I am Elaine.
Unless “Come on Eileen” comes on then all bets are off.
ALSO! Don’t forget to join me and Alison from Writing, Wishing for the fun Instagram photo contest this week – see my post about #IAmAGoodMom for all the details!
I always feel bad for the person who gets my name wrong. It’s funny – I don’t mind so much for me, but I find myself quickly correcting the one who gets it wrong to preserve their dignity, somehow.
But it’s hard when you don’t get that chance early on in the relationship.
Andrea recently posted…Eleven Favorites: Old-School Blogging
Love your reflections on this.
Alison recently posted…Touch
You’re funny (and cute in that hat). Ellen.
Lady Jennie recently posted…Jesus. Rock Star.
Ellen, you are fabulous!
Greta @gfunkified recently posted…Project 365: Week 42
That is both hilarious and weird. I would think the same thing too, correct or not to correct. That’s the question.
Jennifer recently posted…31 Days of Pie – Easy Meringue Tips
ha! That is funny and one day he’s going to find out the truth. And be amused or embarrassed.
My name is often pronounced wrong and I just go with it.
Tamara recently posted…I Have Happy Tears.
That is the WORST of awkward situations. No one wants to call someone by the wrong name, but no one wants to tell someone they’re using the wrong name either. Though, now I will never be able to hear “Come On Eileen” without thinking about you.
Leslie recently posted…{Our Anniversary} Craft Brews and Gastropubs
Always so awkward…as a teacher I try really hard to learn names correctly the first time, otherwise I’m a goner! Thanks for sharing… Jennifer
Jennifer Wolfe recently posted…Extraordinary in the Ordinary
I need a name for my alter ego. And I SO loved that song during college.
Nina recently posted…Friendship Advice: October Column
When we brought our first house the lady next door didn’t like us, cause we were young and unwed and may have had a party or two. Then we had Jack and suddenly she loved us, and she sent us a card addressed to The Thorton’s. And kept calling us that even though we had introduced ourselves years earlier with the correct last name. We always wondered if she thought those young sinners moved out and this nice young family moved in. We never told her that we weren’t the Thorton’s.
Julia recently posted…The Big Boy Bed
I know for me getting a person’s name right is very important.At work I wear a name tag and mist if my customers get my name wrong and I’m quick to correct them because they may become regular customers. If I ever get someone’s name wrong, I absolutely expect to be corrected. Your name is a big part of who we are
Ha!!! That is so me! I really don’t like to correct people on things like that though I know the longer I go without the worse it gets.
A woman from our church (who works in the church office) calls me Kate. Now, I have a TON of nicknames. People call me Kathryn, Kat, K, Kathy, but no one ever calls me Kate. Except for this woman. And the problem is, I deal with her a bit. Todd and I help counsel couples who are getting married and she is the one who sends the correspondence out to the couples and she always has my name as Kate, so that is what the couples call me. And it is really strange because all of my correspondence with this woman I ALWAYS sign my name Kathryn. It has gotten weird.
Anyway, this made me chuckle. Maybe if it ever comes up with this gentleman you could just tell him that you thought he was saying Elaine (possible accent got in the way???) and chuckle about it.

Kat recently posted…Party Time