Categories: ElainePhotography

Here I Am

I have been completely inspired by my friend Sarah.  There is just no other way to say it.

So… I took at least one photo of myself every day last week, sometimes with kids, sometimes not, because her project has me seeing things differently, with ME in front of the camera too.

Here are the results…

A few observations.

It’s interesting to me to see from these “every day” photos where I am not all gussied up or posing, how much I look like my parents, each in different ways, obviously.  Oh, and my brother Larry.  Although we have completely different noses.

I am looking down in most of these photos.  I’m going to change that the next time I do this.  You know, so that my kids can look back and see my whole face, not just my eye lids. 😉

Still not a big fan of my profile.

Hubby took the last shot.  I think G might have acted more natural in the last one if Tim had not been standing there taking the photo, but oh well.   And no, I am not sad in this photo, that is just my t.v. watching face (someone who shall remain nameless and may be the father of my children was watching a certain Princess movie with Anne Hathaway in it… anyway… )

My boys have a sh!t-ton of Legos.

Oh and math homework makes me scowl a little…

All of these photos where taken with my camera propped up on something, except that last one, and with the timer.  I did have a remote but I lost it over the holidays and I have yet to replace it.  It would certainly come in handy for a project of this kind!

Also, apparently I really like to wear clothes with stripes.  Big, little, it don’t matta, I LOVE ’em!

Next time I hope to also get some shots outside but we were not outdoors very much this week and I’m not sure how I would go about that since there is no furniture to prop the camera on outside! Ha!

Anyway, I hope to keep this up, but it’s kinda hard!  I was proud of myself for remembering to do it every day! 🙂

Thanks again to Sarah for the inspiration and P.S., you should totally check out Greta’s selfies too!

And P.P.S. you can check my blog FB page, The Miss Elaine-ous Life for more, since I’ll be posting them there off and on..


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