Here are some highlights from our trip to Austin. I love that my kids have fun with their cousins and with their Grandma & Grandpa. (oh and I guess with aunts & uncles too!)

After we got in town we checked in at Mom and Dad’s and then loaded back up a few hours later to go over to my bro’s house (with a little detour over to IKEA first). The kids had fun in the sprinklers and such and then we devoured some burgers and tots (as in the tater variety).
The kids had a blast with this sprinkler thingy that my SIL found somewhere for a steal, I am sure (she always finds the coolest stuff for little to nothing!).

Little G thought the kids were quite humorous. My nephew Daniel wasn’t quite as impressed with their antics.

He was too busy gettin’ his drink on…. OH just kidding! The bottle was already empty, I think.

After splash time and drinks burgers it was time for a bath. Can you believe they all fit? (apparently a bath comes with popsicles at my brother’s house…)

On Sunday we did go to church (Oh why oh why did they not include a cry room when they remodeled my parent’s church? Someone give me ONE good reason!!) and the neighborhood pool but I didn’t take any pics there.

Then on Monday we went to Zilker Park and rode the park train, the Zilker Zephyr. It was fun but hot. So afterwards we dipped our feet in the “pool” at Barton Springs which is a spring-fed water hole within the park that is quite chilly.
I have lots of great memories of Zilker Park field trips when I was a kid. And I have only swam in Barton Springs once, when I was willing to freeze my tushy off. Not so much these days.
The park also has a great playscape with a really neat old firetruck the kids can play on and it’s also known for it’s wonderful trails for hiking, running and biking around Austin’s Town Lake. Visiting the park made me a little homesick actually. At least I can share the town I grew up in with my kids.

On the train with Grandpa

The B Man is ready to ride – let’s go people! It’s hot out here!

We went right under this cool tree during our ride. I had to take a picture.

After the train ride it was time for some refreshment in the form of ice cream and snow cones. And yes, The B Man did have some of both. Ah the treats of summer!

So after dessert, a little dip in the water and some play time, it was time to be on our merry way…

And no visit to my parents is complete without some time spent out on their front deck hanging out and watchin’ the kids play on the lawn. Oh look quick, it’s actually a pic with me in it. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it (me and G on the deck).
That’s about it except I have to post this last pic of Little G because it’s most certainly one of THE cutest things this mother has ever seen (even with the comb-over look!).

K, that’s it, I promise. Wasn’t this like the longest post ever? Thanks for hangin’ in there if you did… : )



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