
Tap. Tap.

Is this thing on?

Wow, I feel like a week of my life was stolen from me.  Seriously. At least I conserved make-up. 🙂

For a day or so I was in and out of consciousness while wearing a sweatshirt and fuzzy socks, at the end of August in south Louisiana (completely unheard of before last week…).  AND!  There was a hurricane nearby.  AND!  I remember The Property Brothers and lots of House Hunters and some old episodes of Sex and the City and then I caught up on some Gone Girl when I could really see again.  Oh and LOTS of Words With Friends. At one point I think I was playing words with friends with the property brothers and “Miranda” while we looked for homes in Bali.  Or some dream like that…


I stayed away from my kids for a few days, so that they would not catch what I am now calling The End of August/Isaac/2012 PLAGUE.  It’s amazing how you begin to physically MISS the affection of your loved ones.  Kids and hubby included.  Blowing kisses from across the room just wasn’t cutting it anymore.

p.s. this is my “I’m all better, post-sickly rambling post”.  Just in case you hadn’t figured that out yet.  Many contractions (not the having a baby kind) included.

One bright spot in the week – my new lens came in – a 85mm.  More on that later… but I did already get to experiment with it a bit. 🙂

We ventured out to Baton Rouge today to JUST TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE (I had been inside for 5 straight days) and the kids traipsed around the mall and I’ve been loading them up with hugs and kisses and snuggles to make of for those lost ones last week.

Someone I know is not all that keen on getting his picture taken anymore and he LOVES to let me know it.

Can’t you just hear him now… “Really, Mom? Gah, another picture…”
It’s already starting.

But… I did it!  I actually captured my three on the THIRD.  I know, miracles everywhere people.  Happening right here on the blog.

So here’s to being WELL and hurricane-less.  I’m ready for K to start school (Wed.) and for our routine to begin being… um… routine.

And here’s to Fall on the horizon.  Surely I won’t be getting the flu now.  I mean, BTDT, so I’m ready for cooler-ish weather and pumpkins and closed-toed shoes…

p.s. no one else in my house got the flu (knock on press board).  My other friend did not fare as well and her entire family got it.  I cannot IMAGINE.

p.p.s. it can always be worse… 🙂


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