He Loves Him, But HE Loves Him NOT!

On Saturday morning we headed out to honor one of our family Christmas traditions. Every year we like to visit the Galleria mall in Dallas because we love the ice skating rink, the huge tree and well… their particular Man in Red.

See we (the hubs and I) aren’t “waiters.” We don’t like to wait. And honestly, I don’t know if I have one patient bone in my body (thanks for that trait Daddy!) And if you get there early enough and find the little corner he’s in, our Mr. Claus is pretty easily accessible. I mean we waited maybe 15 minutes on Saturday morning (December 6th). I personally think that’s pretty good.

Anyway, here are some pictures and commentary from our trip to see THE jolly old elf and do a little shopping…

The GIANT tree. (this was also in my Weekly Winners post from yesterday).

The boys admiring the skaters and the lights on the tree (at certain times they blink in rhythm with the music!)

Waiting in line to talk to the BMOC (big man on campus)…

Oh yeah, he’s happy now but you just wait…

Santa and The B Man got along quite well as can be seen here…

And here…

(this picture was taken by Santa’s elves)

But Little G, well… he was another story entirely as can be seen here…

Classic, huh? Do you see his leg in motion?

We quickly extracted him from poor Santa’s lap (unlike the folks ahead of us who left their 1 yr old daughter on his lap long enough for several pictures while she kicked and screamed like CUH-RAZY!!). I felt so sorry for her. I am just not of the theory that you do that to your child. Can’t you tell? ; ) The best part was when her parents still bought the picture. I can only imagine what it looked like. I am sure they will laugh at it when she’s 16!

Anyway, for the most part it was a successful trip. I got to go into Sephora (love that store!), watch all the ladies in the mall with their scarves around their necks (I SO need a sassy scarf!) and the boys had a lot of fun (well you know except for that one moment with G and his horrible Santa experience!). Hope everyone else had a good weekend. What did you do?


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