I have a bit of a “love/not liking what you are doing right now at all!!” relationship with my middle child these days.
One moment he’s smiling and playing and the next he is whining his face off or even crying about something that I cannot even understand. It’s like a switch flips in his little boy head and all the sudden he MUST have juice or he HAS to wash his hands because they are sticky (OMG the kids wants to wash his hands 80 thousand times a day!!!)
He’s very sweet at times and is my snuggle-bug but there are many other times that I really think someone is filming me for that show “Candid Camera” because he can be SO very outlandish ALL. THE. SUDDEN.
And then? My head kind of explodes because things are going along fine but then that switch flips and they are so NOT. And when he cries, many times Baby K starts to cry in unison. Oh what a party that is!!
Like I said, MY Head, KABOOM!
And he’s also the king of doing the EXACT opposite of what I (or anyone else) want him to do. I will tell him to put something in the trash or to clean up and he out and out says NO. So the other day I tried my theory and used the ole “reverse psychology” thingamagjig on him and said, “Do NOT put that in the trash.” Guess what he did? He went straight to the trash can and threw it away. No freakin’ lie.
So my question is, how do any of you handle this because my patience is thinning as I type. And also? How do you handle it when they are this bleepin’ cute? GAH.
pics taken with my iPhone
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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