Have y’all heard about this conference happening the first weekend in August?

It was very questionable whether I was going to attend BlogHer this year or not.  I debated the expense of it all and since it’s the week before The B Man starts school, I wasn’t sure the timing was so great either.

But after Tim gave me my “bonus” and I found an awesome additional sponsor, Canvas Press* and a great roomie, I was set to go!  And Jennifer and I were lucky enough to add another roommate, Melissa from Bargain Shopper Mom. Wohoo!

So, now that it’s SO close(!!!) I’m getting really excited and I’m also curious to see how this BlogHer experience will go compared to the last one in Chicago, two years ago.

Part of my gang in ’09 – Me, Christy, Lisa, April and MftM.  And yes, I was VERY pregnant!

First of all, very few of the girls I hung around with in Chicago will be there this year, besides Heather (of the EO).  And I will miss them.  But on the bright side I have several other friends to see attack with hugs and I can’t help but smile at the thought of all the blogger love that will be going on around me in just a week and half!

I’m trying not to agonize too much over what I’m going to wear.  Mostly skirts and dresses and I am bringing my favorite GAP jeans (which I got for FREE with a coupon from BlogHer ’09!) and some sassy pairs of shoes. It is fun to wear cute clothes and I’m sure I’ll end up packing too many because that’s just how I roll. A girl has to have choices you know.

I totally look like this in them. *cough, cough*

My schedule is kinda crazy, in a good way (mostly thanks to my awesome roommates) and like a fool I even signed up for the BlogHer 5K happening Friday morning at the butt crack of dawn.  This was after Tracy ALL CAPS-ED me on twitter and told me I was doing it.  Afterwards we plan to mainline lots of coffee (so much for “no caffeine”).

I’m also excited to attend the sessions and after previewing the schedule I may have some big choices to make, although I do like the looks of many of the writing ones.

I’ve also gotten a little smarter since last time and contacted other bloggers that I want to make sure I meet/see (although not everyone, I’m sure!) and gotten their numbers or set a time to get together.  I hope not to miss anyone this year if I can help it. And, if you are going and want to meet up let me know here or on twitter!  Like I said, want to see everyone I can!

With Ivy and Steph in ’09, SO happy to meet them! And yes, still VERY pregnant

So now I just need to finish getting organized and I’ll be SO ready to get on that plane next Thursday morning (I actually like to fly) and see some of my internet “besties”.  (Shhh… don’t tell, but it really IS all about the people for me…)

Here’s to BlogHer ’11 (and possibly an adult beverage or two this go ’round)!

I can’t wait!

*BTW, Canvas Press is having a sale right now- 20% off with the code SUMMER- Yay!


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