Just feel it,
Over and over,
You can do it.
That just came to me as I started this post. How fun is that?
You may not know this but I am part of a super not secret group of online ladies and we masquerade around as the “Happy Mamas”. We do not, however, pretend to be happy every moment of the day but this year we have decided to spread JOY and happiness all year long! Great idea right? We did it last year too. There’s no stopping us, really. Joy-spreaders, we are!!
Meet Amanda, Krystyn, Sharon, Arnebya, Me, Galit, Nicole, Anne, Jen, Mindi, Amiyrah, and Andrea,
Are you a Happy Mama? I mean, most of the time. Maybe not when there are 5 loads of laundry piled up and one kid is sick and another is giving a bit of sass and refuses to eat what is for dinner for the 3rd night in a row. I get it, we cannot always be happy scrappy. But in general, I am a pretty darn happy person and mama so I like to talk about it, and post about it and post photos about it. It’s what I do. And it’s extra fun when I’m most happy (of course).
You know what IS super joyful for a mom in the stage where I am with my kids? A trip to the zoo, no lie. Just wait – if you have little ones right now, I know what’s up because I’ve been there too. But someday… SOMEDAY, you will be where I am and for outings like this, it’s the shiznit.
NO diaper bag – just my own purse with necessities yes still carry baby wipes, let’s not be too hasty now and my camera.
NO stroller – they all walk on their own – WOOT!
LIMITED (use of the word “no” here would be a lie) whining – really only like 3 times instead of 300.
NO helping anyone in the bathroom – they can all potty themselves (my work here is done).
NO having to point out every single animal since they know them all by name (yay for education and literacy!).
So see, I can find joy in a trip to the zoo and even every day things that just happen. Even in a glass of spilled milk right after the floor was mopped! Okay that may be taking it a bit too far.
Seriously though, we are in a great spot and I am really looking forward to enjoying this year of joy, along with my other Happy Mamas friends. Please go check out the Happy Mamas Movement Facebook page and like it and join us this year – any month you want (or all of them)! One of the 12 of us will be en”joy”ing things about this motherhood journey and hosting the link-up the first Wednesday of each month. AND there will be fun giveaways and LOTS of reasons to feel great about yourself and your kiddos.
First up is Dude Mom (Amanda) herself, the inventor of joy (er… this fun Happy Mama Movement!) – so post about your joy and link up at her place!
I, along with less time-wasting, plan to find the joy in the little things this year.
What is your plan for finding joy this year?
(it’s okay if it’s a little thing)
Love this, it reminds me of what i have to look forward to about going to the zoo when Jack is older, because there is still a lot of no and whining. I think I need a plan for finding joy this year, I think I need to be more present.
Julia recently posted…6 Soups to Make with an Immersion Blender
More present is a good plan. I’m trying that one too! At least be present when I’m doing something specifically with the kids, instead of being distracted (as I tend to do…)
I love all of these things about my Dudes growing up too. I have to admit though, I do kinda miss my stroller. I have to carry everything now.
dudemom recently posted…I Choose Joy: Team Happy Mamas 2015
That’s true, the stroller was nice for carting stuff around and I LOVED the drink holder!
It is such a weird feeling when I first started to venture out without a stroller or diaper bag – I always felt like I was forgetting something we were going to need. I mean, weren’t we going to need *something*? But yes, wipes ALWAYS and FOREVER.
And a big YES to spreading that joy and sharing it.
Kim recently posted…The Photo
Yes, even I use the wipes!
Today, a stranger lady who worked on my floor told me how shocked she was and how strong I was to be “so happy” during this pregnancy, especially since I am having “the biggest baby she has ever seen.”
Maybe that’s not so joyful. But apparently I *look* joyful, so there’s that.
Laura recently posted…Coming Back… Briefly: On My Last Week as a Working Mom
That is just a lovely quote. (NOT). I think you look joyful too, at least from the photos I have seen!
These really ARE great ages. It is so awesome to be able to just leave the house without having to worry about diapers or strollers. Plus they are still at the age where the LOVE us (most of the time) and think we are awesome(ly weird).
Jennifer recently posted…Find Your Joy, Happy Mama Movement
Ha ha to the end of this comment! Great ages indeed!
I’m so looking forward to the stage your kids are in! No diaper bag, no stroller! Sounds heavenly. Also I’d love to see how Andrew likes the zoo when he’s that age. At the same time, I’m savoring this toddler stage for as long as I can!
Bianca @ Rant Rave Crave recently posted…The Resolutions
We just hit age 5 with the twins. I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And, the furrowed brow – we have that mastered here while whining. It’s so hard not to find it adorable, no?
Side note: Your giraffe caption cracked me up. They are one of my favorite animals. True story.
Nicole @MTDLBlog recently posted…A Simple Blueprint to Joyful Living
Giraffes are awesome! Have you ever seen one run? So cool!
I’ve reached new points with my kids as well. You’re right; it gets better if the younger years are wearing. At 14, 11, and 5, each is at a different stage, but I’m thoroughly enjoying each one.
Arnebya recently posted…Joyfulness, and the Happy Mama Movement for 2015
I’m so glad you are! All the stages have their pros and cons.
My word is HAPPY .. how about that

Sisters From Another Mister recently posted…One Word, the HAPPY in Happy New Year
That’s perfect! I really hope you will be HAPPY this year, my friend! You deserve it!! XOXO
It’s the best when you can venture out unencumbered by strollers and diapers bags and all the stuff and you just feel like a normal person heading out for a lovely adventure. Love this idea and Happy mamas. And, coincidentally, my word for the year is JOY!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…How a Daily Practice Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
Oh, I’m so glad to hear that Christine! It’s a great word.
And I’m sorry for my late response, for some reason your comment ended up in my spam! UGH!
Happy New Year!!
My boys really are easy to take out these days, so I am enjoying them more.
However, I am also loving the twins and all the baby-ness that they are. So squishy.
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday: Colourful
OH well yes, the baby-ness has it owns merits for sure. Wish I could come snuggle them (and then give them back, of course!)
It’s a good season.
And I hope you will join up with us Happy Mamas!
It’s amazing how much more you can enjoy those outings with older kiddos that are still young enough to embrace it all!!!! I’m in that same season… and loving it!!! I love the idea of Happy Mamas… sounds like a perfect intentional movement I want to join.
Heading over!!
Chris Carter recently posted…Shift Your Lens Wider…Perspective
It is a good season! I hope you will join us for Happy Mamas!
That trip looks lovely! I’m looking forward to those moments in a few years. Sometimes I feel like a lot of people overlook the joy that can be found in small moments (okay, I’m one of them too). Thanks for the reminder to stay joyful all year long. Heading over to
Leslie recently posted…A Simple Method to Drink More Water
I am guilty of it too, Leslie. I’m hoping that this “year of joy” helps me remember too.
I love that you are such a joyful person and yay for the light at the end of the tunnel as the children age! I’m enjoying my boys right now even though the oldest at four still has issues of leaving fun places. Here’s to a glass half full

Natalie recently posted…Merry Christmas 2014!
Yes, glass half full (of joy)! ;D
I love this. I love the whole post. I think if you can just find joy in little things throughout the day it makes life so much easier. This post is filled with joy.
I saw on Facebook a post you made about seeking out little moments and you included a pic of Katie and Gavin looking through the glass at some animal. Gavin had his hand on Katie’s shoulder. It was just so precious and full of joy. It was gorgeous. So, thank you for reminding me to notice the little things. Little things are what make up a life.
Also, that peacock picture on your caption under it remind me of Mark Wahlberg. Do you ever watch SNL? Have you ever seen the skit a few years ago where Andy Samberg was impersonating Mark Wahlberg and he was talking to animals? Holy crow, it was friggin hilarious. And that “Hello Mr. Peacock, how you doin?” sounded like it came right from that. Hilarious.
Kat recently posted…Bee Buds
Oh yes, Tim LOVES to quote that Mark Wahlberg skit, we know it well!!
And you should join us in the joy, Kat! I know you have a lot of it with your adorable crew too!
I seriously don’t know anyone who couldn’t use a little more joy in their lives, Elaine! Thanks for sharing your joy and this community of joyful people. I’m headed over right now to check it out!.
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…We Have SEVEN New Family Members at our House!
The secret to being happy is loving what you have right now.
I just made that up. But it sounds good, and it reminds me of YOU. xoxo
Love love LOVE the pics of your loves. xoxo
Andrea recently posted…DIY: Forget-Her-Love-Of-Horses Pepperoni Rolls
Andrea, you need to copyright that quote, STAT!
Thanks for loving my pics.
I love this idea of the happy mama movement. It is so much easier when I look at all I have to be happy about. I am so close to the stage of taking my kids out with greater ease. Your post gives me hope!
Sarah recently posted…Moments of Truth
Yes, you are almost there. Sarah, I hope you’ll join us in the Happy Mama JOY!.