Happy (early) Birthday to my Little G (it’s on Sunday)!!!

When Little G was born we bonded pretty quickly.  He nursed like a champ before we left the hospital and because I did not return to work after his birth, we were always together.  I still feel a certain bond to him that is somewhat indescribable.

At four years old he is a fierce snuggler (including climbing into bed with us – on my side – many early mornings) and is never short on opinions on things that a 4-year old would have opinions about. You know, like what shirt to wear that day or which dessert he wants.

just had to post this pic of him at 6 months old because, OMG – the HAIR!!! 😀

Sometimes he passes on dinner but there are mornings he enjoys 3 or 4 breakfasts so he makes up for it, trust me. He also hates to have his hair washed.  Still.

He LOVES to play with his older brother and they are completely adorable when they play well together.  He’s pretty much interested in playing with whatever The B Man is currently into.  Right now it’s Dinosaurs (his party theme) and Legos.

I am by no means a teacher so I’ve been a little worried about him learning the basics, like his ABC’s, etc.  But he does go to pre-school three days a week.  Just last week his teacher reassured me that although he does not usually participate in “circle time”, I have nothing to fear in that department. He has taken more of an interest in books lately and really likes the connect-the-dots book I got him recently so I’m pretty sure he’s doing better than I thought.

He adores his friends and lights up when I tell him that any of them are coming over to play.

I’ll be honest, sometimes he really tests my patience but I think I prefer it that way.  I know it will serve him well later on in life.  At least that is what I like to tell myself. 😉

He has THE most adorable smile (of any 4-year old I know anyway) and I could listen to his sweet little boy voice all day. Except when he’s constantly saying “poop” and “butt”.  Yes he does and yes, I’m trying to curb it but I also figure it’s just a phase.  Also like to tell myself that as well.

I love to kiss his sweet, still kinda baby-ish face, especially that cute little nose of his.

Here’s a slew of pics from the last year…

I love you my sweet Little G.  You are a funny little guy and you have my heart always.  You may be a “middle” child but you are absolutely outstanding to me no matter what and I love you so, SO much!

Happy 4th Birthday!!!!

Hugs and Kisses Always and Forever,



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