Today is my Mom’s birthday! She is one year shy of a pretty big decade, but I won’t say which. A woman never tells her age, right? Well in this case, a woman’s daughter never tells her age. Anyway, I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom (and yes, it’s tax day.) Wouldn’t you love for your birthday to be associated with payin’ up? It’s still an extra special day to my family.

My mother on her honeymoon
One of my favorite pictures EVER of my mother. I love how relaxed she looks and how great she looks in that swimsuit. I have NEVER looked like this in a swimsuit. She’s gorgeous.
A favorite Easter picture of my mother and me.
Today marks another milestone in our household. Little G is 11 months old and we all know what that means. Next month he will be a year old. I am reminding myself right now to enjoy the last month of his infant-dom. My little baby is getting too big too fast. *sigh*
Great tribute to your mother. I hope she has a wonderful birthday.
I completely sympathize about babies growing up too quickly. My little guy was 11 months old yesterday. I want him to stay little forever, but he insists on growing.
I can SO relate to the hitting her up for cash but otherwise avoiding her like the plague thing! My mom was the high school principal. EVEN WORSE! And I’d totally hit her up for cash and then otherwise not acknowledge her presence in the halls at all.
sigh. I too am not ready for the 11 month milestone! Great tribute to your mother…Happy Birthday to her!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mom!
My mom was the lunch lady my first year of junior/senior high. All the boys thought she was hot, it kinda sucked. Other than that I didn’t mind having her there.
It is so bittersweet as our babies grow up isn’t it? He is so cute! Love his dimple!
I’ve never looked like that in a suit either. Sad.
And your baby is darling!!
What a nice tribute – Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mom!! Hope it was a great day for her. TAke care- Kellan
Happy Birthday to your mom. I hope she had a great day.
I know what you mean about our babies growing up. My youngest will be 11 months next week. I’m really not ready for her to turn a year old.
Nice post. Happy Birthday to your mom.
Planning the big party? It is bittersweet when they go from baby to toddler.
what a wonderful sweet post about your mom.. Happy birthday to her.
and sniff sniff about 11 months old.. My Little Man just turned 35 months old..LOL can you still count months at that age.. but it is just flooring me that next month my baby will be 3 years old.. even worse then that is that my 1st baby is turning 13 on her next birthday YICKES.. where does the time go..
What a great tribute! Your mom was gorgeous!
Are an amazing daughter! So much isight at such a young age
Beautiful tribute to your gorgeous mom!
I love those pics of your moma! BEAUTIFUL, I love old pictures of older people.
I’m workin’ the wrong way. Nearly a year old! Wow, they do grow fast!
Happy b-day to you mom! She looks lovely!!!