The other day K came home from school talking about “baby Bennett” and that he had a “bo-bo” the size of an orange in his tummy. At first I was not completely sure what she was talking about, but of course I had an idea. Later on that day as I was going through her little backpack I came across a piece of paper telling me exactly who baby Bennett was and that a family from her school was affected unexpectedly by cancer. Bennett is the younger sibling of two other children who have also attended K’s school and yes, he has cancer.
You can read about him and his family here: Just 30 Days
I actually stumbled upon the blog via a Facebook post from a friend last night and then this morning K brought me another piece of paper from her back pack that gave an update on Bennett and the funds our school has already collected for him and his family. She told me again how “sweet baby Bennett” has that orange-sized “bo-bo” and that they needed LOTS of money to fix it. Before I knew it she was in her room, grabbing her Hello Kitty wallet and offering up all her money (loose change) to the cause of helping Bennett get better.
And then my heart did flip-flops at how sweet SHE was.
Tomorrow we will take some money to the school for Bennett and some of it will be her money and some it will be additional. I just love that my baby girl is being taught to give to those in need and that she is willing to give her own funds to the cause. I know she does not really understand that concept yet but it is still precious to watch a child (especially your own) give to another one that is in need.
Her giving and sweetness make me both Happy AND Proud.
Simply adorable and precious that girl.
She’s such a sweet, kind girl. Just like her Mom.
And oh, poor Bennett. I hope that the funds he needs will be raised quickly.
Alison recently posted…The Land of the Living
Awesome. I love it when my kids show me that they are good humans, despite my screaming lunatic mothering antics.
Dude Mom recently posted…If You’re a Happy Mama & You Know It.
AWWWW! I love her kindness and generosity! You are CLEARLY doing something right!
Will be praying for Bennett.-Ashley
Oh, my heart. All of it. Your sweet girl, that poor baby. I want to cry and hug all the children!
Laura recently posted…Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars
This makes me so happy yet sad for Bennett and his family. You are doing it right. She has that goodness from you.
Arnebya recently posted…Trying
I just melted completely at the sweetness and kindness. That’s your girl, mama!
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…Bundt Cake – German Style
Oh, your girl is so very sweet and caring and precious.
I am thinking of little Bennett and his family.
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…The Blanket Box
Your little one is so sweet.
Roxanne recently posted…On reading {Just Write/PYHO}
Oh my goodness, her sweet, excited little face!! It gave me happy chills.
Children are so open and loving. You’ve got a good one there.

Andrea recently posted…At A Loss
This is wonderful. We recently had a loss in my children’s school. Three siblings and one did not survive cancer. It’s really earth-shattering, even for those who didn’t know him. My daughter is in his sister’s class.
But let baby Bennett make it. And let the children be taught to do good – these are good moments.
You’re clearly setting an amazing example for her about kindness and taking care of others. That was so sweet, I wish all the best for baby Bennett!
Marta recently posted…The Emotional Side of Dieting.
That is awesome. Warms my heart.

Kat recently posted…Reviews, Randomness, And A Recipe
Ohmyheart. Your sweet, sweet girl (and this heartbreaking story)!
Galit Breen recently posted…This is THIRTY-EIGHT
Oh my goodness, what a sweetheart! Love that she wants to give and reach out and do what she can to help.
Angela@JumpingWithMyFingersCrossed recently posted…These Days & #iPPP
What a sweetheart. Very touching post.
Nina recently posted…In Honor of My Mom’s Birthday
This is so freaking sweet. And I know who she gets it from. Her momma.
That is so sweet. Kids can be so selfish and always asking for more but they can also be so generous.
Julia recently posted…February – Happiness Project Update
So very sad for Bennett, but what a super sweet girl you have there!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…Sometimes the cute overwhelms me