I found out I was pregnant with Little G while we were on vacation in Florida in early September of 2006.
Tim says he knew I was pregnant a few weeks earlier when we went to see my nephew who was born very premature. I was acting a tad erratic (a.k.a b!tchy) and emotional.
Don’t tell the other kids I said this but my pregnancy with him was probably the easiest. Yes, I was still working but we had a gym at the office and I walked and did yoga during the entire pregnancy. I ate the best and gained the least amount of weight.
G was born via c-section and my recovery was pretty good. But let’s just say pain meds were my friend.
He latched on in the hospital and didn’t let go until he was 14 months old. He never drank a bottle. Sometimes I think back on that and cannot believe it. I remember sitting up and crying in bed in the middle of the night when he was about 6 weeks old and saying I couldn’t do it anymore, I was so tired from feeding him all the time. I also had a nasty bout of mastitis when he was about 3 months old. NO. FUN.
But we made it through and to this day he is my most snuggly, kissy, huggy child.
And today he is 5 years old.
These days he is writing his own name, becoming a pro at being both a little and big brother and continuing to turn heads with the dimples the nurses noticed right away when he was born.
A few weeks ago he was going on about his latest “crush” in his pre-school class and I asked him “What about so-and-so?” (a different girl he had been talking about the week before). He sighed and said, “Oh Mom, I’m just going to marry ALL the girls!!”
He might be right. Even the adult ones swoon over him.
They don’t live with him.
He is most certainly my biggest challenge (however this last week he is possibly being superseded by his 2.5 year old sister. Yeah.)
I see him growing out of many of the things he has done before, like the whining that used to be his favorite past time. I am pretty sure he’s going to be ready to start Kindergarten in a few short months and although I think it’s going to be a big adjustment, I see him thriving there. And you know, finding even more girl friends.
I decided to do a little interview and I’m sure someday G will love to look back at his own answers.
What is your favorite color? Blue
Who is your best friend? Nailah (a girl at school)
What is your favorite movie: Star Wars (don’t think he has actually ever seen a movie, maybe just some scenes from one…)
What do you want to be when you grow up? A bike rider
What is your favorite food? Spaghetti with meatballs (I made this tonight so… normally I would think his answer would be some sort of dessert.)
What is your favorite drink? Root beer
What is your favorite store? Target
What do you like to do with Mommy & Daddy? play on the computer
What do you like to do with Ben? play Legos
What do you like to do with Katie? play Legos
What kind of party are you having on Saturday? A Lego Jumping Party!!!
Happy Birthday to my snuggly, cute, sweet, talkative, exuberant Little G! I love you, my Gavie Gavster!!
Aw, happy birthday to him! I love those dimples!! He’s sure to be a heart breaker if those stick around!
Awww… Happy Birthday to your beautiful little boy! I love the interview idea, I haven’t done that in a long time… xo
Happy 5th Birthday, handsome!!!
Happy happy birthday to your ladies man! Too cute what he said about marrying all the girls. My middle is going to start kindergarten this yar too. I think he likes Legos
Happy Birthday to him. I sincerely believe that five is the perfect age.
And seriously how could anyone resist him?
Happy Birthday! What a sweetie. xo
Precious – then and now!! Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday to your big five year old boy! I hope it’s a great day.
He is such a cutie! Happy birthday G!
so sweet – Happy Birthday to your little G!!!
What a cutie! Happy Birthday to him! I love the interview – definitely worth keeping for looking back on in the future.
Happy Birthday G!
Aw, happy birthday, dude!!! My youngest daughter turned 5 last month. She, too, is the middle child and she, too, is my super snugly one!! We’d better not let these two get together!! Ha!! He’s adorable!!
Happy birthday dude. Hope you have a fun party and take it easy on your mom a bit.
Aw, Happy Birthday to G and to you! (I always think of the Mommies now when it’s someone’s birthday.) My second wouldn’t take a bottle either. And I got mastitis when she was a couple months old. Ugh and yuck.
Anyway, I SO love this and will be interviewing my kids for their birthdays from now on.
He IS a cutie! Little stinker!
Breakin’ hearts already. 
Happy Birthday to Lil G! I hope he had a great day!
Oh the dimples get me every time and he always has a spark of fun in his eye! So handsome and from the sounds of it full of spit and vinegar.
Happy belated birtday Little G!!!
I have been watching him grow up over the years, I bet he was just a toddler when I started reading your blog.
Hope it was a fantastic day for your little man.
Happy Birthday to the little ladies man!
Happy Birthday to him! I hope he has all of Legos he could ever want
Those dimples would make anyone swoon! He’s so handsome for a 5-year-old! I can’t wait to hear about the lego jumping party! Do the legos jump?? Just the kids?? We’ll find out!