What is his name? Tim
Who eats more? He does.
Who said, “I love you” first? I don’t really remember, but I think it was me or it was at the same time sort of. Obviously I don’t really recall. I remember it was pretty early in the relationship though.
Who is taller? He is by like 5 inches.
Who drives most when you are together? He does. I like to doze.
Who’s more sensitive? I’m gonna go with me. I’m the woman after all…
Who does the laundry? We both do but I do more since I am the SAHM. He’ll usually do some on the weekend though if so inclined.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. Love my right side!
Who pays the bills? Most are auto-pay but if they aren’t he usually pays ‘em
Who cooks more? Me, but he really likes to and usually does some cooking on the weekends (pancake breakfast on Saturday!)
Who is more stubborn? Me (not elaborating here…)
Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Usually him.
Who has more siblings? We both have 3
Who wears the pants? It depends if I decide to put a skirt on that day or not. : )
What do you like to do together? Go to the movies, eat dinner, “snuggle”, just talk, make each other laugh, laugh at our boys, travel
Who eats more sweets? Can I just say “DUH” to this one? (that’d be me.)
Guilty Pleasures? What the heck does this mean? Y’all know mine is chocolate and his is kiddie cereal (one of the reasons I never buy it)
How did you meet? We met at a Catholic retreat for college students when I was 20 and he was 21. I was smitten the minute I shook his hand. I followed him around as much as I could the entire weekend, even inviting myself along on a trip to the convenience store. It worked, we started dating a week later…
Who asked whom out first? I guess he did. He came to the store where I was working and asked, “so, what are you doing tonight?” and I was so ecstatic to see him. I took him to the party I had that night for my co-ed fraternity.
Who kissed first? Probably him. That first week is such of blur of me pretty much falling in love right away so I don’t really recall. (I know, my memory stinks!)
Who proposed? He did, at my apartment. He was a nervous wreck that night and I had no idea why until he got down on one knee…
His best features & qualities? Where do I start? He’s handsome, funny, a good father and he sends me to the spa like he did YESTERDAY!! Oh and he makes me laugh so hard sometimes I could pee my pants (lovey huh?)
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I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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