What do a nine year-old boy (almost ten!) and a 4 year-old little girl have in common?
Some majorly fierce love for the family hamster, that’s what.
Y’all, this is seriously THE most loved-on hamster on the planet, I mean it.
She has the opportunity to hang out in the horse barn…
…and she gets to chill with Sophia in her awesome castle.
Plus, she gets cuddled and petted and fed walnuts and hamster treats ALL. THE. TIME.
But she is a really good little “varmint” as I like to say.
(but seriously, she’s really soft and if she would not get squashed I would probably let her sleep with me because she really is so sweet)
We scored in the hamster department, that is for sure!
If you want to read more about the comings and goings of Cupcake you can checkout “her” blog at My Hamster Life (in which her owner Ben, chronicles the happenings of her life…)
Do you have a family pet that you adore this much?
That’s the cutest hamster I’ve ever seen no wonder your kids love her

Maureen@Scoops of Joy recently posted…Going Raw
Oh my gosh, they do so much! I’m even taking her to the boys’ school for “show and tell” today!
Ah, she is awfully cute! We don’t have any pets. Pets are certainly in our future, though.
Tamara recently posted…On Planes & Monorail Trains.
Start with a cute, even tempered hamster.
seriously, my kids adore this sweet thing.
That is a CUTE hamster. That pic in the barn just slays me! SO sweet!!!!
Kat recently posted…Days Like This
I know, right? With her little feet on the door? ha!
Oh yeah. And Grace has that Sofia castle too. She loves it!

Kat recently posted…Days Like This
I might have mentioned once or twice before that we have a dog
– and we’re just as crazy about him as you are about your cute little hamster. Family pets FTW!
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…Thank You, Canada
I truly believe in “pet therapy”. Now to convince my hubby that a small dog is okay too…
Oh my gosh! That really is the cutest hamster I’ve ever seen! I grew up with hamsters and I think my kids would love one! It would probably the most loved hamster on the planet next to yours!
Probably so! This one is definitely a winner! You should get one. They are easy…
Aw, she is so cute!!
Alison recently posted…A Friend in France
OK we did the hamster thing many moons ago and my boys were too rough.. So then we got into domesticated mice.. Those took off, literally. Like we became the main breeders for the local pet stores.. We got out of that when they were breeding faster than we could keep up with. But if we had a hamster like that yeah spoiled would be a word lol
Southern Angel recently posted…Dear Dial.. Thank You!!
When we got our first hamster the pet shop sales person tried to convince me to get a rat (or a mouse). I just couldn’t do it. It’s the long tails. I like that hamsters have no tails.
She is sweet! She certainly does look loved! And I love that she has her own blog!

Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…In Writing
Yep, she has brains and beauty!
I don’t usually like varmints but this really is a cute hamster. Darn cute.

Lady Jennie recently posted…Gluten-Free Chocolate Fondant
I know, right? She is super cute and SO soft!!
She really is cute. I laughed out loud at the sophia picture, this totally made me smile!
Julia recently posted…Of Tents and Stories and 3 Year Old Boys
That is an adorable varmint.
Jennifer recently posted…The Reverse Bucket List
Aw – so freaking cute. I am allergic to everything. I wonder if I am allergic to hamsters? Feeling some furry animal envy over here…
Kiran recently posted…Do You Want to Build a Gay Snowman?
Oh shoot, you should try to find out… Since they don’t shed, maybe not? She is SOOOO soft, I feel better every time I pet her.
I generally don’t think hamsters are cute, but little Cupcake is pretty adorable. I love the way your kids love her.
Angela@JumpingWithMyFingersCrossed recently posted…Remember, Compassion
Oh yes, me too. They certainly think she is the “bees knees”! ha!
Awww so glad she is a great pet for the kiddos!
Natalie recently posted…Taking Care of Mom
Hee! Cute, for sure! You’re a good mama!
Galit Breen recently posted…1502 Deerwood Bend
what a cute little hamster. i really can’t believe my kids haven’t asked for one by now…but that’s okay with me. I have mixed feelings about rodents
I DO NOT like rodents with tails. So hamsters are okay. This is the ONLY kind of rodent allowed in our home.
I love the barn picture!! What a little sweetheart. We had guinea pigs growing up and loved them so much.
Greta recently posted…Through the Lens Thursday: Flower
I’ve thought about getting a guinea pig too but then, bigger cage, etc. I think a hamster is good for now.