Halloween & A One Month Old

My boys have been wearing their Halloween costumes for what seems like 72 hours (is that three days? – forgive me, I’m the mother of an infant and well… uh… not so good at math).

The B Man had a little program at school on Friday morning in which he recited two nursery rhymes and they could dress as one of the characters. Well of course he chose one of them to be Hickory Dickory Dock and WHY? Because there’s a mouse in that rhyme and that way he could dress up as a mouse, of course! If you’ve been reading here a while or you are an IRL friend or a family member then you know about his varmint obsession.

And even though I bought Little G a cute second-hand puppy costume he would have NOTHING to do with it. Instead he wore the same Superman p.j.s that The B Man wore at this age and once he saw them on Thursday night he was hooked. So, he went to the B Man’s program as S.M. and the other Kindergarten kids thought he was awesome (and he was. and the p.j.s had to be washed just to wear on actual Halloween).

And yes, I am a bad mother because I did not get a picture of my oldest child’s first K program since I left the camera on the dining table. But, I kept the toddler mostly quiet and the infant snug in a sling while all the other kids did their thing too. And, honestly, he’s really lucky I showed up. (but don’t tell him that, alrighty?). He did a great job. He was actually one of the only kids I could hear and he looked right at me the whole time he said his poems. So cute!

On Friday night we carved pumpkins (and by ‘we’ I mean Tim did the work while the boys and Baby K and I basically watched.)

Oh but actually this is what Superman did during most of the carving session:
(he’s gonna hate me for that one someday, isn’t he??)

And here are the finished products.

On Saturday, after attending one of the local elementary school’s Fall carnival in the morning, and Little G just playing in his room the ENTIRE time he was supposed to be napping, and a quick “gourmet” dinner at Cici’s (SNORT!) it was time to go Trick or Treating.

Aren’t they just the cutest things?

Can y’all tell how excited Baby K is?? Poor child…

The boys had a blast trick or treating (this was our first year to go door-to-door) and after procuring the candy at each house Little G would say “I got CANDY!” I loved his excitement and awe.
Of course then he wanted to eat it all once we got home. But I can’t really blame him because so did I.

Actually, it wasn’t all “candy and carnivals” on Saturday as the toddler finally went to bed after a totally EPIC tantrum (no nap and LOTS of excitement and sugar will do that to a 2 1/2 year old…). He’s a little “challenging” these days but I suppose that’s to be expected since his world has been rocked and he’s not technically the ‘baby’ anymore.

Speaking of the baby, our Baby K was officially a month old yesterday and she and I went to church together for the first time. It’s a little hard to believe that it’s already been a month but I think the bags under my eyes tell the tale. But as I’m sure you all know, I wouldn’t have it any other way, bags and all…

Hope everyone had a safe and candy-filled Halloween!


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