We live in an interesting, sort of hidden little neighborhood that is a mix of young families and older folks who have lived here a while. It consists of only 4 (albeit quite long) streets that are connected before you have to go out on the VERY busy main road that runs perpendicular to the ‘hood. Because of this, those of us with small children pretty much all know each other and find each other at some point during our trick or treating experience.
Our first Halloween here we had an infant, and we did take her out in the stroller so I did not want to go too far, etc. But I thought maybe later we would want to find another, larger neighborhood where more friends live and go with them. But I was wrong. Our own neighborhood is quite perfect for trick-or-treating and now we have several friends right here, so it works out great.
Plus, four streets is plenty to get QUITE a bit of candy, trust me!! The kids had a great time and got quite a haul.
Here’s all the pics fit to post, including the Halloween Eve pumpkin carving and K’s Halloween Parade at school (which is always so dang cute!)
Awesome costumes!
Love it! I still can’t believe that your baby is so BIG.
Looks like you had much better trick or treating weather than we did – super cute kids, too!
Great costumes! Love the mummy!
Your pumpkins look great. I just had the kids paint them again this year. Maybe next year we’ll do the whole carving thing.
I love the one of you with the kids! Y’all look so happy! And great mummy costume! He looks like he totally rocked it! Glad y’all had fun!
Y’all are so cute! (LOVE the mummy.) Great shots, my friend.
Great costumes and live the pumpkins. So warm there, we froze out there last night.
Looks like a gorgeous holiday.
Those are awesome pics!
You have to let me know how you got such awesome dark pictures without all the blurring. I still can’t figure it out on my camera. I play with aperture, shutter speed, all of it! I just can’t seem to get the right combo! ACK!