Categories: fun stuffHolidaysKids

Halloween 2013 (because it rhymes…)

On the first day of October B asked about Halloween and brought up the fact that he wanted to be a zombie.  I grimaced to myself since I am not much for zombies or scary stuff.  But the practical side of me did not protest too much since I figured that would just take some torn, bloody clothes (that we would first acquire at Goodwill) and some make up.  G said he wanted to be a ghost and so I thought, “Oh good, a sheet from Target, cut up and with eye holes. Easy.” And to round things out I figured K would just wear one of her MANY Princess costumes.

All of this changed a couple of weeks ago when Tim took the kids costume shopping while I was out with my girlfriends.
Super Heroes were born.
And I was good with it because you know why?  Daddy handled it.
Rock on.
And since they are so cute as our little hero brigade, I was all good with it. 🙂

Halloween night was a bit of a bummer this year because it POURED rain during the exact time our small city does Trick or Treating.  So, we went to the mall (which was totally cray-cray!!).
Plus, I took K to Tim’s office at lunch time and a few people gave her candy and treat bags.
Plus the Friday before we went to Trunk or Treat at the church where K goes to pre-school.

AND, K had the traditional Halloween parade at her school the day before (in which she chose to be Belle instead of BatGirl)

(looks like she would have fit in more if she had been BatGirl, huh?)

Lastly, we had candy at home that we did not give out so we played “Trick or Treat” in our own hallway
The things we do for our (super cute) kids.

We still ended up with a passel of candy, that NEEDS to leave my house.  I would call that a success.

Hope you had a fun Halloween! 


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