Half Mary, Here I Come!

I’ve been bit overwhelmed with feelings these last couple of days.

Feelings of stress and excitement and anticipation for this weekend’s race.

Feelings of love and support from you all here and my family and other friends who know I can do it.

I know that I’m talking a lot about this half marathon lately but I’m just, well.. freaking out a bit because it’s a pretty big deal to me.

It may not be a big deal to some but it is to me.

My ankle is in more pain than it has been in a long time.  I’m pushing myself harder than I ever have in my life. EVER.

On Wednesday, my long-time blogging friend Kat left a comment about which mile she would be with me and she told me it would be that very last .1 and I cried as I read her words.  She’s a runner as well and told me I was an inspiration for her and I wrote her back and told her the same.  I’m in amazement that I, ME, this girl who NEVER would have thought she would ever become a runner, would inspire anyone to do that very thing.

Just wow.

I cried again when I got an email from a new blogging friend, A Sassy Redhead, giving me a blog award.


How long has it been since we passed those around?

I’m excited to share it with you all.

So I will. Soon.

And I’ll get to passing it on at some point.

I think we all need to give and get some awards every now and again, don’t you?

Speaking of awards, my friend Melissa (from college) reminded me on FB that I get a shiny medal at the end of my race and she also gave me her support whole-heatedly.

I haven’t laid eyes on her in many years but she is my always friend and will be thinking of me on Sunday, I know it.

Amazing, huh?

And a medal?  Honestly, I kinda can’t wait to wear it… And the B Man is going to be SO proud.  He’s all about medal’s and trophies these days… I’m so happy to be an example to him and my other little ones too.  Setting my mind to doing something and actually DOING it.

I want to say Thank You to all of you who have commented or emailed or tweeted to me which mile you’ll be “with” me.  I’m gonna need each every one of you more than you know…

Here’s to Sunday and hopefully a couple of very stiff margaritas from one of my favorite Mexican restaurants in Texas after, to numb the pain. (y’all know the race is in TX, right?).

“See” you all on the flip side.  Look for a survival pic of me here or on twitter or FB or all of the above.

Peas out.

p.s. if you’re reading this and still want to be added to my list just let me know in the comments! 🙂


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