Hello happy blog readers! Today’s post is coming from me, Tim (aka “The hubby”, “the lesser half”, or “He that doth pay for the internet connection”). Elaine has graciously granted me posting privileges and I’ll try to not to let her blog down!
Today I would like to tell you a story about one of the luckiest days of my life. No, it was not when I won the lottery (I’m still waiting on that one). I refer of course to:
March 26, 1975
At the time, I did not know it was such a lucky day for me. In fact, seeing as I was only 8 ½ months old, it probably seemed like the average day to a baby:
Cry – Check.
Eat – Check.
Sleep – Check.
Poop – Check.
Coo – Check.
Rearrange order and repeat.
Here I am, lounging in the swing and looking oblivious to the importance of the day:

(*Red leaves and Halloween decorations may indicate this wasn’t the spring)
Little did I know, across the country a little baby girl was being born and named Elaine by her loving and doting parents. (Who, after having 3 boys were probably thrilled to finally get a girl). Here she is with her very cool parents:
(*Clothing may be better proof as burns still present today)
The point of this silliness is this: I don’t necessarily believe in destined true love. I think there are literally millions of tiny little twists of fate, decisions, cosmic zigs and earthly zags that lead two people to find each other. So I could say it was lucky that I met Elaine, or lucky that I chose to go on the church retreat where we met, but I could go on and on like this and it would ultimately lead to: March 26, 1975.
I was lucky on that day and blessed because my wife was born and she is the most sincere and honest and funny and beautiful person I know.
I’m leaving you with one of my all-time favorite pictures of her, it was taken by me, on our honeymoon, at sunset….