Growing Things & #HappyMamaSummer $125 Giveaway!

The boys’ school planted a garden back in the Spring and K and I went to assist on the day the soon-to-be pepper, tomato and zucchini squash plants went into the prepared earth.  It was really great to see all the kids, teachers and some parents (even grandparents) working on it together.

A few tomato plants were accidentally left out so I offered to take them home and plant them and was graciously given the opportunity.

The kids have diligently taken care of our three plants and K has watered them a several times herself.


Right after planting

Although our crop is not terribly abundant, it has been well tended and watched.

That makes me proud.


This summer has been a little different for us so far.  I opted not to put K in any summer classes at her previous pre-school, mostly since our travels conflicted with their schedule but also because I just didn’t wanna.

My kids have plenty of things to do, G is in art camp this week, they’ve already been to VBS and B will even experience sleep-away camp for the first time next month.  We have the pool and play dates and time to just hang out and play games, read or veg.

I hear their voices in the house and listen to their playing and realize I do not have needy little ones in my house anymore.  They find things to do on their own or together.  They get their own snacks and drinks.

One of them has a voice that I barely recognize anymore as he races toward tween-dom, each day looking bigger and bigger to me.

Another one is busy growing teeth and teaching his sister things (albeit also hollering at her when she steals his Legos).

And that sister makes me a teensy bit sad with her so-close-to-five-ness.


My little tomatoes are growing fast too…

Good thing they are not yet ready to come off the vine.


What’s bringing the joy moments to your house this summer?!

Team Happy Mamas wants to throw a little joy your way with a fun summer giveaway!

Head to Instagram and share a photo of your Summer Happy for a chance to win a$125 gift card to Target or Amazon, where you can buy happiness if need be (don’t argue with me, it can be done)!

To enter: log into your Instagram account and upload a photo that depicts summer joy in your neck of the woods.  Tag your image #HappyMamaSummer and be sure to@thedudemom.  If you’re private you’re going to have to unprivate yourself for this one peeps.  Only those images that are tagged correctly and visible will be considered because otherwise we won’t know to count you!  One winner will be randomly selected to choose where they want to get their shop on at!

Alternate Entry Option: Anyone who links up a Happy Mama post this month will also automatically be entered to win! Share those Happy Mama moments with us!


a Rafflecopter giveaway



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