I have so much fun making new blogging friends and in the last few months I have come to know a wonderful new friend here on the interwebs, Greta.  I cannot remember exactly how I came across her blog but I knew pretty quickly from her humor sarcasm and sweetness and photos that I would like her. She’s my kind of people, you know? (And Yay, we get to meet IRL at Blissdom!)

Plus, she’s gracious enough to host a weekly guest post called Great Expectations and this week I am honored to have a post up at her place.

I had some pretty big expectations before and even after my first baby came along.  Unfortunately one of the “greatest” ones did not pan out quite like I would have hoped. I would love for you to come read about it at her place, G*Funk*ified.

Thanks so much to Greta for having me –  you are awesome!

Comments are closed on this post, please come over and read my post at Greta’s place and leave a comment there.  I would really appreciate it! 


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