So I want to ask a short, but I am sure, loaded question. What’s up with our grammar on the world wide webby lately?
I mean for the most part it’s pretty good but I guess I just get turned off by some of the “slang” that goes on around here in the blog world and our current vernacular in general.
Now don’t get me wrong here, I am a huge proponent of the word “anywho” which I am sure will be in Webster’s soon since they’ve already put the word “chillax“ in there (well at least the on-line dictionary anyway…)
But the phrase that kinda chaps my hide? “I can has.”*
I mean, it’s kinda funny and I get it and all but…. “I can has…?” Who talks like that except for 2 year olds?
I guess perhaps that’s why it’s cute? (the question mark means I am questioning that, by the way). I honestly don’t know why, but for some reason that one just gets under my skin.
And I’ve been known to use “I loves me some…” You know as in “I loves me some chocolate.” Fitting, no? But I think I’m going to swear off that one too because it’s just….well…. Wrong.
And I know, it’s YOUR blog and you can write however you want to, it’s part of your writing style, blah, blah, blah. I get that too.
On sort of the same subject, there is a church that I drive by on the way to my MIL’s house where they have an advertisement for their Mother’s Day Out program which is proudly displayed as “Kids Klub.” If you don’t know what’s wrong with this then you are already lost to us.
Just because one word starts with the letter doesn’t mean that the other one has to also. Right? Isn’t just the fact that they SOUND the same enough? I mean EVERY. DAY. when those kids go to SCHOOL they see that word spelled incorrectly. How are they then expected to learn the correct spelling? I know I’d be confused as heck if I was a pre-schooler there.
Just sayin’.
Oh! And I know I use that little thingy up there a lot (the apostrophe instead of a “g” at the end of a word that requires it) and that is part of my writing style, admittedly. Sorry if it bugs anyone, but it’s my blog……….
Oh forget it.
Just know that I was using it on here WAY before Sarah Palin was talking like that in front of millions of people.
So what are your grammatical pet peeves?
Just askin’ ; )
*please don’t take it personally if you do or have used this phrase. It’s just not for me.
I hate it when people use “‘s” for plurals. I mean COME ON! “‘s” is for possessives and sometimes as an abbreviation for “is”. Aaargh!
I though “I can has” was only used on the web for cute animal pics for example.
I didn’t know people used this in every day conversation. If so, that is deplorable (oh a “D” word).
you lost me at the cute photo of Little G… That is seriously adorable.
Well… I think people are getting lazy EVERYWHERE with their grammar. Look at texting and even emails! It is ridiculous! I really think people are just lazy.
It really has gotten bad. My Dad is ALL over people about grammar continually! This is the one I hate the worst, and this isn’t on the web, just in every day life. But I can not stand it when people say, “oh, I seen her two weeks ago.” *shudder*
I loves me some ‘Laine-ous Life.
: )
I have never heard “I can has,” I don’t think I can use it in a sentence.
I REALLY hate when people spell maybe “mabie.” There is spellcheck on almost everything, did you think spellcheck is wrong and you are right?
OMG! Are you talkin’ to me? Tells me it isn’t so. LMAO. Sorry Elaine. I kow there have been times that I have purposedly written something grammatically incorrect. Oh well. But I do have to say that if someone actually verbally spoke that way, it would drive me BATTY. And I’m right there with you on the Kids Klub thing- DOH.
PS- I posted a NEW, yummy recipe. You have to try it!
Oh, I’m sure I’ve broken some rules…but I try very hard not to. And, admittedly, I am the worst proof-reader, ever!
I’m with you…I’ve never heard this “I can has..” I don’t even get it. And, my two year old doesn’t say that either!
Hee, hee. Some of the slang things make me laugh and some of them bug me. I loves me some Lainey! But I don’t got to has Lainey.
And G can has cookie anytime he wants!!! How do you say no to that face?
It is a little disappointing how weird grammar have gotten, especially online.
I can’t have all those years of grammar that were beaten in to me not mean SOMETHING.
I don’t think I’ve heard, “I can has..” yet. But, there are some people on twitter…their grammar drives me crazy! I have more issues with twitter than people’s blogs…Ugh…I can’t stand it sometimes.
Thank you for this, Elaine! I have many of the same pet peeves. There are a few people that I honestly can barely understand what they’re trying to say due to poor grammer! I’m no grammer genius – and let’s not even talk about spelling! – but at least I can string a coherant sentence together!
Grammar misuse drives me crazy. I’m sure I am guilty of it myself, but I really try to be coherent and correct. Although, for some people, the slang and such fits their blogging voice. So what bothers me (and I am guilty of it at times) is people using it randomly and out of character for them. Does that make sense?
I’m just not even going to discuss spelling.
I am a total grammar Nazi! Even before I got my job (I’m a medical writer/editor) I was a stickler for following the rules. I detest spelling mistakes in books, magazines, newspapers and signs. Like the first poster, I hate it when people use “‘s” for plurals. It makes me cringe everytime I drive past a sign that reads:
Bed’s For Sale.
Just horrible!! I would never buy a bed from a store that had a sign like that. Never!
I also hate it when people use “there”, “their” and “they’re” incorrectly. It’s really not that hard to get it right. Honestly.
My other pet peeve is “text speak”. It has crept into everything! Apparently some school students now turn in their essays written like this! WHAT??!!!
Doooood, I has gotten to where I forget what is and is not grammatically correct. I hopes to get it all back in my head right soon.
I cant point fingers, I am the worst but really mine is out of ignorance and being around 2 year olds for too long. Well and maybe a little short term memory loss. hehe
Mine is the word ‘toward’–it is ‘toward’ NEVER towards! LOL even still spellcheck thinks ‘towards’ is a word!
’twas probably a rhetorical question but “I can has” is from the lolcats site I can has cheeseburger. and who talks like that? Kittehs do. Yup.
I try not to judge other people’s grammar mistakes since I make mistakes myself and I tend to play with language and make up words and talk like lolcats every once in awhile and all of that kind of thing. (I use “just sayin'” a lot, too!). But if I had to pick a pet peeve it’s the there/their/they’re thing. and the your/you’re thing. And who’s/whose and it’s/its. I flinch when I see someone get them wrong. But I’m sure I’ve let a few slip by me, too.
I think I get harassed as an English teacher when I screw up – but, honestly, my grammar sucks. For some reason, when I was in school, if you were in honors English, you got Spanish instead of grammar – so I never learned the rules correctly. Sad, I know.
Ha, ha, you are hilarious! (Oh and Kaitlyn was wondering if we can come over)
I am not good with words and though it is not intentional it often comes out all wrong.
Can has…I have never heard it before but I agree with you!
Cute post. I’ve heard of Love me some but not loves me some. I also find it humorous when people write that they heart something. I never heard of can has…that’s dreadful.
Girl, this post just cracked me the hell up! (Yeah, that’s a little phrase of my own.
That picture and your little quote bubble is especially cute.
I have never heard of “I can has!”
My BIGGEST grammar pet peeve is when people say “loose” for “lose” -HATE IT!
I am very bad at all the above!
More so because on twitter I try to fit too much in a stupid line and if I do it on the blog its usually on purpose-because well I t hought it might be funny…guess not!! *winks*
you are very right though.
i have way to many that irrotate me!
1. How frickin’ cute is that pic???? (oops, there I go too, no “g” on the end…bite me)
2. I’m LOVIN’ the bubble talk, way to go girlie!! (oops, another one…)
3. What the heck got your feathers so ruffled??? You’re from Texas…. you’re like grammar error queen!!!
4. I totally agree with Kam, let him has his cookie!!! he’s only 20 months old!!! geez….
I am so with you on this topic. I haven’t heard the phrase you mentioned, but there are oh so many that get under my skin. Of course I can’t think of a single one right now, but I can tell you that my husband frequently laughs at me and says I have some sort of special vision for grammatical errors in public. I find them everywhere and he never sees them until I point them out.
What a great post and a beautiful site. I am glad I found it. New to blogging and I love reading others. Love yours!
Lay off ‘Chilax” lady! That’s MY WORD!
I ca use it?
I loves me some loosers.
For example:
I may very well loose my mind.
Why that annoys me so much, I don’t know.