Our good friends, Chandler & Claudia had their first son, Ethan, about 5 months before we had our first son, a.k.a The B Man. I was always excited to know that our boys would more than likely become good friends too. They don’t look a thing like brothers but I am pretty sure they’d be okay if they were. Also, Ethan is our Godson and The B Man’s Godparents are C & C so I guess maybe they kind of are… ; )
Here are the boys in the “early” days at 5 and and almost 10 months old.
We are lucky to live pretty close to each other and Claudia and I are in a playgroup together so the boys usually see each other at least once a week. And no matter where we go or what we do they are glad to see each other once we arrive. It saddens me a little a lot to know that they will begin school next year and all of that will change…
I say all of this because friendships are extremely important to me. At the times in my life that I have lost friends for whatever reason, it has always affected me pretty deeply. Even as a kid when a friend would move away (we always stayed in the same place) I took it pretty hard when they actually left.
I value my friendships and I know they are like any other relationship in which you have to work at it and both parties must give and take for it to be successful.
I hope to teach my sons what it is to be a good friend. I hope to show them by example and I plan to be there for them should a friend of theirs leave their life for any reason.
Good friends like Chandler and Claudia can be hard to come by but we are lucky to have them in our lives and our sons are lucky too. And from what I can tell, I think they already know that…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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