Our good friends, Chandler & Claudia had their first son, Ethan, about 5 months before we had our first son, a.k.a The B Man. I was always excited to know that our boys would more than likely become good friends too. They don’t look a thing like brothers but I am pretty sure they’d be okay if they were. Also, Ethan is our Godson and The B Man’s Godparents are C & C so I guess maybe they kind of are… ; )
Here are the boys in the “early” days at 5 and and almost 10 months old.
Nowadays when we get together they play like crazy at whichever house we are at and we hardly see them unless it’s time to eat. And at meal time they better be sitting next to each other or there could be trouble!
We are lucky to live pretty close to each other and Claudia and I are in a playgroup together so the boys usually see each other at least once a week. And no matter where we go or what we do they are glad to see each other once we arrive. It saddens me a little a lot to know that they will begin school next year and all of that will change…
I say all of this because friendships are extremely important to me. At the times in my life that I have lost friends for whatever reason, it has always affected me pretty deeply. Even as a kid when a friend would move away (we always stayed in the same place) I took it pretty hard when they actually left.
I value my friendships and I know they are like any other relationship in which you have to work at it and both parties must give and take for it to be successful.
I hope to teach my sons what it is to be a good friend. I hope to show them by example and I plan to be there for them should a friend of theirs leave their life for any reason.
Good friends like Chandler and Claudia can be hard to come by but we are lucky to have them in our lives and our sons are lucky too. And from what I can tell, I think they already know that…
I agree, great friends are priceless!
Cute post, and so great to see that he is already learning about how important friends are.
Great friends are hard to come by…but, you know when they are real friends when you don’t have to worry about working on the friendship! Love the picture!
Good friends ARE hard to come by! What a sweet story of two special buddies and that picture is PERFECTLY PRICELESS!!
Have a good week, Elaine – see you soon – Kellan
You are so right! And that picture is wonderful. You should have blown up and framed.
Yes, good friends are definitely worth their weight in gold. And it’s even more special when your own friends’ children are friends with your kids … makes social gatherings such fun!
Love that last photo – gorgeous!
Oh, and the one of the B-man as a baby … you can totally tell it’s him, his face hasn’t really changed that much, amazing!
I have one truly best friend which by all means i consider family. She is my sister and we go by that. Her daughter is exactly 3 months older than my first son almost to the hour (she was born 12/9/04 @ 3:57 and my son was born 3/9/05 @ 2:51). I dont know what i would do without her. One day without talking to her is very hard. Are kids are very close also and i hope that they always will be just as i know her and i will always be!
Yes indeed, good friends are worth a lot. How wonderful to see such a friendship between the boys…I imagine it can last a lifetime if fostered. That picture is wonderful!
B Man has always looked just the same – that’s so clearly him even at 5 months!
Thanks for the wonderful post about our friendship and our boy’s friendship. I value friendship as much or more than you. Considering most of my family is either deceased or over 800 miles away, I really value the friends I have because I have always viewed them as family. I especially value the friendship that Claudia and I have with you and Tim and I hope our boys can maintain as strong a friendship throughout their lives.
You are soo right! Friends have always been super important to me too! Looks like those boys will be friends a long time! When I finally discovered the entire block I discovered my best friend Rachel in the 4th grade. We have been best friends ever since!
They’re friends for life whether they like it or not. The love goes both ways by the way.
What a wonderful start to their friendship they have, love that second photo!
That was so warm and fuzzy ;). I love that picture.
Here’s to great friendships!
You are totally making my day today. Totally!
Aw, great friends are the most wonderful gift aren’t they?!
So glad you have them and that the boys are so close. And that first picture of the Bman? AWESOME!
It’s like you cropped his face now and put it on a baby body! SO CUTE is he!
Great friends are worth their weight in gold. Having kids the same age makes it even better!
That is just awesome. And things may change a bit when school starts full time, but they will always be friends. I didn’t see my cousins that much growing up but when we got together we always had a blast. There was always that bond there. I think that is how the boys will be. They’ll always be friends.
What a beautiful post! Hopefully the boys will remain friends through thick and thin (i.e. junior high and puberty!).
That’s terrific, I bet they will be friends as they grow up. My hubby has a friend he made from his neighbourhood when he was 3-4 years old – they went right through high school and university together, and we are now great friends with their whole family (they have three kids, close in age to ours). It’s awesome, and I totally agree about friends being so important!!!
It’s great you’ve been able to give him that friendship. I agree. I still mourn frienships in the same way you describe. He’s lucky to have a relationship he can always fall back on so young in life.
Amen, sistah! Good ones are hard to come by. That last shot is priceless!
In that first photo your baby at 5 months is larger than their 10 month old. lol Love it!!! Cute babies.
How wonderful to have such friends. I envy you that.
okay, i just love the picture of ethan and ben walking together. very cute!!!
What a beautiful, thoughtful post. You are such a wonderful mother to be thinking through these types of issues in advance.
Your son is also lucky to have such a close family friend. And it may actually be better if they are not in school together- it is always good to have someone to go to outside the group of friends you have simply because they share your class/team/neighborhood.
What a fantastic post. My son has a little buddy that he met when they were about 15 months old. They are the best of friends and often tell people they are brothers. I love it!!