I’m actually going to start with the UGH part, just to get it out of the way.
The house, is suckin’ the life outta me. The one I’ve written a post to profess my love for (but haven’t published yet). The one we are currently living in and need to sell in a so-so market. The one that apparently needs MAJOR (and when I say major I mean “gonna cost the big bucks”) foundation repair before we can put it on the market.
My husband’s flight home got cancelled. I’m SO tired of him traveling that I can’t even express.
The B Man has a huge attitude problem lately. And he’s WILD all the sudden. Like running around the house screaming and singing and tackling his little brother wild. OH and throwing things. I cannot handle throwing. Okay so it’s usually just a pillow, a stuffed animal or another small toy but still, NO Throwing!!! So, anyone wanna borrow him for a while?
And just so I don’t leave him out, Little G is in tantrum mode. He want’s juice, all the time and since I often do not give it to him he breaks out the water works and elevates that little voice of his, “JUICE PEAS!” “MA JUICE!!” WAH!!!! Just so y’all know, nobody gets anything around here when they throw a fit. Okay, well maybe me, but that doesn’t count.
The Bad…
The number on the scale when I step on it. Yeah, yeah, I know I have a good reason, but Oh Lordy, this can’t keep going up and up SO MUCH. Maybe I need to lay off the milk chocolate. “Hey, baby, quit liking chocoalte so much, k?” She’s still in the womb and I’m already having to give her a little talking to.
The re-do of the shower in our Master bath was supposed to start Monday but because of the little foundation snafu that’s now on hold. And we leave on the 2nd of July. Remember what I said about STRESS? Yeah, it’s happening.
It’s hot and humid and my ankles are starting to swell. Enough said.
The Good…
My husband only has ONE more business trip before this traveling is over. OVER people. That’s GOOOOOOD. More than good actually.
One project at the house is done. We had someone re-do the deck out back and it looks wonderful. At least we can check one thing off the list. But p.s…. Why didn’t we do this when we were still living here??
Despite the above mentioned issues, I have two of the cutest, sweetest, most wonderful little boys on the planet. In the midst of all this moving craziness, their snuggles and kisses brighten my day and remind me to look at the big picture. Oh and their sister in my belly that kicks and lets me know she’s there too. That isn’t just good, it’s AWESOME.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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