I’m actually going to start with the UGH part, just to get it out of the way.
The house, is suckin’ the life outta me. The one I’ve written a post to profess my love for (but haven’t published yet). The one we are currently living in and need to sell in a so-so market. The one that apparently needs MAJOR (and when I say major I mean “gonna cost the big bucks”) foundation repair before we can put it on the market.
My husband’s flight home got cancelled. I’m SO tired of him traveling that I can’t even express.
The B Man has a huge attitude problem lately. And he’s WILD all the sudden. Like running around the house screaming and singing and tackling his little brother wild. OH and throwing things. I cannot handle throwing. Okay so it’s usually just a pillow, a stuffed animal or another small toy but still, NO Throwing!!! So, anyone wanna borrow him for a while?
And just so I don’t leave him out, Little G is in tantrum mode. He want’s juice, all the time and since I often do not give it to him he breaks out the water works and elevates that little voice of his, “JUICE PEAS!” “MA JUICE!!” WAH!!!! Just so y’all know, nobody gets anything around here when they throw a fit. Okay, well maybe me, but that doesn’t count.
The Bad…
The number on the scale when I step on it. Yeah, yeah, I know I have a good reason, but Oh Lordy, this can’t keep going up and up SO MUCH. Maybe I need to lay off the milk chocolate. “Hey, baby, quit liking chocoalte so much, k?” She’s still in the womb and I’m already having to give her a little talking to.
The re-do of the shower in our Master bath was supposed to start Monday but because of the little foundation snafu that’s now on hold. And we leave on the 2nd of July. Remember what I said about STRESS? Yeah, it’s happening.
It’s hot and humid and my ankles are starting to swell. Enough said.
The Good…
My husband only has ONE more business trip before this traveling is over. OVER people. That’s GOOOOOOD. More than good actually.
One project at the house is done. We had someone re-do the deck out back and it looks wonderful. At least we can check one thing off the list. But p.s…. Why didn’t we do this when we were still living here??
Despite the above mentioned issues, I have two of the cutest, sweetest, most wonderful little boys on the planet. In the midst of all this moving craziness, their snuggles and kisses brighten my day and remind me to look at the big picture. Oh and their sister in my belly that kicks and lets me know she’s there too. That isn’t just good, it’s AWESOME.
First up, I’m sorry about the “UGH” stuff! It never rains but it pours, huh? Sorry about the “bad” as well. When there are so many things happening (good or bad) it does make it hard to focus on the nice stuff. But it’s great that you can still do that. I love that you ended your post on a positive note – hopefully venting about some of the other things has helped you feel better! Hugs!
Love how you are still able to see the good…althought the bad and the ugly would have me doing tequila shots!!
Hang in there.
I am not sure how you’re doing all of this, while being pregnant!!! I can’t handle more than going to the grocery store and walking around the neighborhood… I would die if we were moving! I give you major kudos for being so strong and for making it through this all! Keep going girl, you can do it!!!
OMG you are supermom & wife!!!
So much thrown at you..ride it out, soon enough life will calm down
I hate business trips… these will be done once you move right?
Good luck with everything and I am with you on the scale thing,…good reason but it is hard to see that number going up! I 100% agree!
Ugh. That is a lot of ugh. And being pregnant you can’t even have a drink. Suckage.
I have a feeling it will all magically fall into place.
Hang in there!
So glad you ended with the good! Usually that helps counteract the bad and the ugh!!
Oh gosh, such a stressful time. Praying for your peace.
Seriously, moving and packing and selling a house and buying a house are some of my least favorite things to do, let alone doing it while pregnant and with two other munchkins running around you. Big HUGS!
I’ll be in Dallas next week if you wanna hook up!
UGH about the ugh and bad.(((HUGS))) but the good stuff makes it all worth it.. hang in there.
Ugh is right! Hang in there girl, all this moving/putting up the house for sale will fly by and then you can relax in your new home. Everyone always fixes all the stuff right before they leave, we all do it!
Hugs to you!
Hang in there girly…it will all get better soon!
stay focused on the the kicks and the cuteness of the two that are already out and about. the bad and the ugh will melt away.
ok it won’t melt totally, but it will be less sticky
I’m there with you on hating when the hubby leaves and my toddler is ALL about the juice too. She wants jui bock as she calls them. And then throws a fit when I say no. WHY!!!
It’s hot and muggy here too and I’m not happy with the numbers on my scale either (and I don’t have your perfectly good excuse)! I hope you have a good weekend and … you are right – those boys are darling.
Sometimes you just need to rant
Your boys are pretty sweet…
so glad the boys are on the cute list! i hope everything else works itself out quickly and smoothly.
I’m hear catching up and I’m sorry to hear about the house stuff. That stinks! It sounds very stressful.
As far as the throwing, I think that is a stage that all boys go through. I remember my son doing that around 5 or so. It must be all the testosterone or something. Who knows?
It is great that you are still able to count your blessings and focus on the positive stuff.
But I thought I had the two cutest, sweetest, most wonderful little boys on the planet.
I hope the UGH improves. I don’t think you should worry about the BAD too much. And the GOOD is great. That’ll make everything so much easier.