I was talking to someone the other day about attending my high school reunion and they made a side comment such as “why bother, you can see everything/everyone on Facebook nowadays anyway…”. Perhaps, but I cannot HUG anyone on Facebook. At least not yet.
I love people. I always have.
I also love to see people that I have known for a long time.
Maybe the connections are different for me because I am an extrovert, because I enjoyed high school and because I have known some of the people I hugged last Saturday since I was five.
Maybe it’s because I am nostalgic for the stories about how I tripped in front of everyone in the student commons on the first day of my Sophomore year or how I hardly knew anyone next to me at graduation, because there were so many of us and how one of the guy cheerleaders got escorted out of the ceremony for doing an AWESOME back flip across the stage when he got his diploma.
Maybe, just maybe I think it is extremely fun to go back in time a little bit and remember the “good old days” of my times as a teenager and spend some time again with those I grew up with – the people who helped make me who I am today.
Maybe all of these things are true.
And, much more than a “maybe”, I had a fabulous time at my 20th high school reunion last Saturday night.
After all, this extrovert likes to talk, reconnect and take photographs so how could I not?
Here’s to the WARRIORS, Class of ’93!!
It was a great night! There’s talk of another one in five years… I can’t wait!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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