I was talking to someone the other day about attending my high school reunion and they made a side comment such as “why bother, you can see everything/everyone on Facebook nowadays anyway…”. Perhaps, but I cannot HUG anyone on Facebook. At least not yet.
I love people. I always have.
I also love to see people that I have known for a long time.
Maybe the connections are different for me because I am an extrovert, because I enjoyed high school and because I have known some of the people I hugged last Saturday since I was five.
Maybe it’s because I am nostalgic for the stories about how I tripped in front of everyone in the student commons on the first day of my Sophomore year or how I hardly knew anyone next to me at graduation, because there were so many of us and how one of the guy cheerleaders got escorted out of the ceremony for doing an AWESOME back flip across the stage when he got his diploma.
Maybe, just maybe I think it is extremely fun to go back in time a little bit and remember the “good old days” of my times as a teenager and spend some time again with those I grew up with – the people who helped make me who I am today.
Maybe all of these things are true.
And, much more than a “maybe”, I had a fabulous time at my 20th high school reunion last Saturday night.
After all, this extrovert likes to talk, reconnect and take photographs so how could I not?
Here’s to the WARRIORS, Class of ’93!!
It was a great night! There’s talk of another one in five years… I can’t wait!
Was that at Juniors in Round Rock?
Looks like a BLAST. I had no interest in going to my 10th, but I may weasel my way into the 20th. It’s enough time for most people to drop their facades.
(Your photos are great! And I’m so glad I got to hang with you when you came through town!)
Looks like so much fun and so much cooler than my 10 year reunion was. I would love to do an Elementary school reunion, I went to school with those kids for k-8 and not a one of them came to the high school reunion.
Aw, looks like you had a blast! And what a gorgeous venue! I LOVE the bulb lights!
That looks like an awesome time! I’m so glad you had fun and got to catch up. I am most definitely not an extrovert, and high school reunions give me hives to think about. Maybe someday…
Wow, that’s awesome! I went to a 10 year reunion in 2001 and that was fun as well. There was actually one for the 20 year, but it was in Germany….
Love your pictures and your smile!
I love the location, so pretty!
I’m glad you had a good time, yay for old friends!
Looks like so much FUN, but the thought of high school reunions scares me… at least I have about 7 more years to prepare myself for a 10 year reunion.
WOW that looks awesome!! What a cool set up! I too went to my reunion last year. I was president of my class and we rocked out an amazing reunion and I would and will do it again no matter what fb or any other social media ha in store!
Ahhh! Mine is in October! I love these pics, mama. You look like you had a really great time
It looks like you had a great time! My husband and I were divided about going to our 10 year, I wanted to go, and he didn’t. In the end we didn’t go, which is okay. But I understand what you mean, there is something special about a friendship and connection from back when you were a teenager.
It looks like you had a great time!! I have not been to a high school reunion yet. My 20 year was a while back. I am not sure if I will go to the next one either. I moved to my last high school two years before graduating. I do keep in touch with a few people from then, but they didn’t go either. I do however, have a friend that I keep in touch with from 4th grade…35 years! We have not lived in the same state since then. And one of my closest friends is from 7th grade and I am out visiting her now. I also went to college with her and we were roommates for the last 3 years.
A bit daunting sometimes when you haven’t seen people for such a long time. The big difference is that a few wines can really calm the nerves. I’ve been to a couple of high school reunions in the past and had a great time.
Some people really change a lot but I found others to be kind of soul mates. Looks like you really enjoyed this one
Class of ’95 here! First of all, you have aged beautifully. Second, that looks like so much fun. I’m hoping my 20 year reunion will be that much fun, but I’m not convinced it will be based on the 10th
It looks like a beautiful place and night! When I think of reunions, images of dark gyms always come to mind! Even though my 10th was at a barn/bar type place. I actually missed it because I was pregnant and a bit miserable and I didn’t feel like running into my old arch-nemesis! Would you believe that in the three years since then, she and I have become very close friends? So weird!
Love the pictures! Looks like a great time was had by all! I did not attend my 10 year reunion, I had a close circle of friends in high school and we are all still close today, so I figured I would save the money!
I LOVE reunions. Your pictures are outstanding, and it looks like you had a great time. Old friends full of stories you have forgotten about yourself are so much fun to catch up with. Glad you had the chance to do it.
I’m so glad you had such a fabulous time! The location and the decorations are perfect! Love it!
I went to my 10 yr reunion and it was so lame. It was at a campground type area and it was ridiculous. Plus, it seemed that many of the people at the 10 yr were still stuck in high school. It was bizarre. I think 20 yr reunions are better that way. I suppose I’ll go when it comes around. I would love to see friends who I haven’t seen in a long time. I’m not an extrovert but I can pretend pretty well.
I was so excited to see how your reunion went, they were so lucky to have YOU and your camera there.
It looks like it was a great success, that the smiles and hugs were just the same as they have been since you were all 5.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
Faaaaaabulous photos.
Glad you went to catch up and build some memories!
Fantastic! And I’m borrowing all of those decorating ideas for ours! Which I have to organize, like now, since it’s in September. Seniors ’93 Rule!
Oh my word, you were such a cute senior! Looks like the night was a blast- I’m so glad!
That sounds really nice. I don’t have many of my high school friends on Facebook so I don’t actually know what they’re up to. A reunion would actually be good for catching up.
Just seeing the panoramic photo laid out took me instantly back to high school! Was your high school in TX? I noticed a TX shaped patch on your letter jacket.-Ashley
Sounds like an awesome time! It’s amazing that you have kept up with so many of them! I sadly don’t keep up with many. I think going to a small school, and then moving away didn’t help, but I also think high school in the area I grew up in (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) was a very different experience. Our countries may border each other, but there are so many differences. It’s so cool to learn about these differences!
Reunions can be so much fun. The excitement of rekindling old memories is terrific, most of the time. They are difficult to organise and even more difficult to get everyone to turn up. Looks like you had a good turnout for yours, with lots of fun and laughter.
I had SO much fun at my 20-year reunion (and I helped plan it too!) and I can’t wait for the 25 year reunion. Your pictures are great, and clearly you are having a blast. That’s all that matters! I have known so many of my friends since I was 5, too. It’s amazing.
It looks like a fun night! I love the location – so pretty with the lights and the brick. Everyone’s smiles say it all!
Wow…that looks like such an amazing time. I didn’t make it back for 10, but from what I saw, I didn’t miss much at all! hopefully, they pull out the big guns for 20!
PPS I’m super impressed your hubby got you all set for BlogHer. Mine would NEVER think to do something like that!
I’m so glad you had such a great time…my husband moved a few times so he didn’t know anyone from kindergarten like I did. I lived in the town so I did…and it’s crazy to think I’ve known them so long!
You are SO right. You can not HUG in person. And hugs are so nice.