So, I’ve been feeling a little “ho-hum” or “hum-drum” about the blog lately. I’m kinda bored and feel like even my readers are too.
But of course I still love it! It’s truly a creative outlet for me. Some people post about how they have nothing to say or aren’t sure what to blog about but that’s never happened to me. I always feel like there’s at least a photo to post, you know? And if not that I always have things in my head that I like to write about, pretty much any given day. Perhaps it’s too much but if I feel the need to put here, I’m gonna!
My kids are growing so fast and I’m growing with them as a mother and a person, everyday. I’m so glad to have this space to document and share all of that.
Looking back over my posts from last year it was amazing to see how much even The B Man has grown and changed, and especially Baby K, of course….
And it was also nice to see the changes in myself physically and know that so much of my hard work has paid off and I just feel so much better (and look it too, let’s face it…).
All of this to say that I know there is some rejuvenation needed and on the horizon for this space.
I had a good, long chat with Erin of The Mother Load when I met her on Christmas Eve. We talked about our lives, our blogs, writing and many other things. It was so nice to finally hug her in person and now we are going to be roommates along with this lovely lady (hey Katy!), at BLISSDOM!
Yes. I’m going to BLISSDOM!!!!
I wasn’t expecting to but when Erin put a bug in my ear last week I decided to make it work with some airline miles, and Tim was so wonderful to agree that I could go. I’ve heard such fabulous things about this conference and I’m so excited and hoping that this opportunity can breathe new life into this space.
Because well, I think it kinda needs it.
And now I ask you to leave it comment if you are out there reading. Even if you just say “Hi!” I’d love to know you are there.
And what’s up for YOUR blog/blogging in this new year? I’m curious…
I think we all need to give our blogs a little more love these days in the wake of the FB/twitter/WWF (in my case anyway) time suck.
I’m gonna get back to more blogging, for ME. Hope you will too!
Hi! I’m still here reading! I gave myself a dot com for Christmas and a blog makeover. Maybe a redesign would make you feel less hum-drum.
I’m here!! I have been feeling a bit of the bloggy blahs too, hopefully the new year will bring us new inspiration! I’m so jealous you get to go to Blissdom! How fun!! My goal for 2011 is to go to my first blog conference so I can finally meet some bloggy friends IRL!
Sorry I am a bit slack with my commenting! I do read every post, but I just don’thave time to comment … I guess partly because I’m not getting many comments on my own blog, so I’m actually NOT setting aside as much time for reading/writing/commenting in blogworld anymore. But I’ve finally come to terms with that and I’m fine with slowing down a little
Very cool that you are going to Blissdom, hope you enjoy it!
I am so jealous that you are going to Blissdom! I totally want to go but this year, I choose BlogHer.
I’m here! UGh! LaVida Lori, Casey (Living Southern) and I were gonna go to Blissdom… then everything just kinda fell through with all three….. wish I were going. Don’t ever leave! I have to see your babies grow up!
Hey hey hey ho ho ho! I’m still around and yeah, my blog needs a facelift but who has time?! Today was the first day back to school, Sam puked twice and didn’t make it in time (which made a huge mess for me to clean…twice), and well, it’s been a rough day. Every day seems so incredibly busy and ot just seems to be getting busier. Whatever.
Love you!
Awww! you posted our pic! And I’m so excited you’re my roomie b/c you are amazing w/ that camera—which means I can count on you for Blissdom photos, right?!?! LOL
So excited to see you again SOON, love this pic of us, and I agree w/ you—time for some bloggy love!
i usually cheat and just check it out in reader, but since you ask nicely
I’m so thrilled you and Erin get to experience this together. And you’re so right, bloggy love is needed. I’m totally feeling guilty over it.
I’m here! I always enjoy reading your blog, Elaine, because you have such a positive outlook and you always manage to cheer me up with your lovely photos and funny stories. I think every blogger goes through a “blah” phase. I’m not sure about me, not sure what I’m doing or why I’m doing it. Basically, I’m lost, but continuing anyway, because like you, I enjoy it. Good for you for going to Blissdom, I’m sure you’ll have a blast.
I know how you feel about the whole ho hum blog. I feel like that a lot here lately. I havent blogged much the last year. Ever since Sione’ was born i just feel like i have been so busy and blogging has been the last thing on my mind. But this year i hope to get back to it. I want to start blogging again and to help me with that i started a 2nd blog called 365 – Photos of My Babies. I am taking a picture everyday and posting it. I am really hoping that this will get me back into the swing of blogging everyday.
I always read your blog but just never seem to comment on anyones anymore. But i am always here!
I’m here and I love reading your blog! Here’s to rejuvenation!
I am starting a new blog -fitness oriented, I’ll keep tubal tales to update about thew kiddies now and then..but I needed something more passionate for me.
Hi I am here, too! I am hoping to do a redesign for my blog this year! I’m not sure how much to pay for the design, though. I have a really professional guy who can convert the work of a sculptor I love! I think it will be awesome if I can afford it. Hopefully re-launch by mid-year!
Wish I could go to Blissdom but it’s too close to my due date & I don’t have the time off from work before maternity leave. I hope that you and I can attend the same conference one day!!
:::waving::: I’m here. I got lazy about commenting over the holidays, but I’m still reading!
I would love to be able to go to some conferences this year, but I don’t know if I can swing it financially. I also want to update my layout and have it look more professional.
Have fun at Blissdom.
Blissdom sounds awesome, I hope you have an amazing time!
hi =)
Hi Elaine! I hear you on the blog ennui sometimes. Although my problem is more the wondering what to write about thing. I have a bunch of ideas but so few of them ever really materialize into a post.
Hope you’re having a happy new year!
Happy New Year Elaine! I hope that you have a wonderful trip to Blissdom. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventure when you post about it.
I hope you have fun! I would love to go but that’s right in the middle of my student teaching semester, so it would never work out.
Good luck! Say hello to everyone from me!
Oh so jealous of Blissdom. I might avoid the blogs for the days around the conference.
I am hoping to get back to posting about three times a week. I think I am going to stop censoring myself a little more. There will still be things I can’t share, but I think I am withholding a little too much. I’m also just not going to worry about whether what I write is all that interesting. I’m writing for me, right?
You do look fantastic!
Oh I’m still trying to read…just also trying to figure out the 3 kids thing!! I will admit that I’ve been a bit bored with blogging lately as well…not so much reading, but finding something to say myself (as either a comment or a blog post). I’m really hoping now that baby girl is here and the holidays are over I can find my rhythm again!!
Sidenote; SOOOOOO jealous that you are going to Blissdom!! I am trying to get to Bloggy Bootcamp in Boston this spring – I love bloggy gatherings!!
Hi. :o)
I am totally loving on your blog, Elaine…I’ve always loved it and always will, because it’s so YOU, and you are a great lady. :o)
But I feel you…the blog world has declined a lot, at least my blog world has, and I have mixed feelings about that. I have all this stuff in my head, but it just never gets out…and so the blog stays blah.
P.S. What is WWF??
Hi Elaine! I read all your posts, but have gotten really bad at commenting. I haven’t updated my blog in nearly 3 months, mostly because I’m censoring myself which I’m going to try not to do so much this year.
I also read every single one of your posts, I’m a terrible commenter though. Jealy you are going to Blissdom, I bought my BlogHer ticket, we are supposed to be in CA that week anyway, so hopefully it works out.
P.S. I am also feeling totally MEH about blogging, but I’m pushing through it.
P.P.S. Why aren’t we Facebook friends?!
I hope you have so much fun at Blissdom!!!
I’m in the process of moving my blog to WordPress in hopes that it inspires me to get back to actually blogging regularly!
I played WWF for the first time the other night with a stranger. It was weird, and OMG they took SOOOOOOOOOOOO long to get their words up. Like 5+ minutes. Is that normal?!
I wish I was going to Blissdom..or Blogher…or anything really! Have a great time and blog for you, when you feel like it! That’s what I do!
Hey Elaine-Happy Wednesday! I am planning on reviving my blog look too….one of these days. But I’m trying to document what I can when I have the energy to do it these days.
Needless to say I’m starting to get a little nervous about the amount of energy that I will have once the bebe has arrived. Hopefully I’ll turn the corner soon and get the energy burst everyone talks about.
hugs friend…happy you are going to Blissdom!
{waving} I’m here.
I sooo wish I could go. In fact, Mr. Serious looked into surprising me with a ticket and hotel. Then, he found out it’s during the week. Stupid day job. I wish I could take off three days and just go. Because I could drive to Nashville.
So, have a good time for me, and take lots of notes:)