I got to go out with the girls tonight! YEAH! And this has meaning for 2 reasons – 1. We SAHMs just need a little time away sometimes, you know and 2. It’s with GIRLS, not BOYS! No boys! We know I love them, but we all need some “girl time!” Can I get an “AMEN?!”
We went to see “27 Dresses” which was completely predictable, but very cute and then went out for some Mexican food.
Okay, so, can I just say that I am glad that Katherine Heigl doesn’t have completely perfect teeth? I mean, yes, she’s quite beautiful and has a great figure, but she isn’t completely flawless. She’s got those two side canines that kind of jut out in front of the rest of her teeth and I love that about her.
But, back to Girls Night, which translates to… no KIDS! The ladies I went out with are actually the other moms from the playgroup I am part of and we were so shocked to see each other without our kids in tow! It’s so easy to get out of the car without kids. I mean there I was unbuckling ONLY MY seatbelt. When was the last time that happened? Then I closed ONLY MY door and walked away with nothing in my hands, just a purse over my shoulder. Like a piece of cake I tell ya!
And, it was quiet in the car, I mean quiet beacause my radio isn’t working (long story…) so I REALLY wasn’t sure what to do with myself or my ears for that matter!
And then – at the restaurant – there was adult conversation – what a concept! Let me tell you, it was SO nice.
Our waiter was another story however. He was a little bit of a jerk. See we were enjoying our converstaion SO much that we stuck around quite a while after we paid for our dinner. He walked by and at one point (after NEVER coming by to offer us more to drink!) and asked, “Can I get you ladies anything, a tent or some sleeping bags?”
Have people just completely lost their manners?? I feel like I have a lot of these stories lately. Or maybe I am just getting old, because on my way home I actually started to think that what he said was quite funny. But that whipper-snapper better watch out next time, cuz I might bring my kids and then he’ll really have something to complain about!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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