I got to go out with the girls tonight! YEAH! And this has meaning for 2 reasons – 1. We SAHMs just need a little time away sometimes, you know and 2. It’s with GIRLS, not BOYS! No boys! We know I love them, but we all need some “girl time!” Can I get an “AMEN?!”
We went to see “27 Dresses” which was completely predictable, but very cute and then went out for some Mexican food.
Okay, so, can I just say that I am glad that Katherine Heigl doesn’t have completely perfect teeth? I mean, yes, she’s quite beautiful and has a great figure, but she isn’t completely flawless. She’s got those two side canines that kind of jut out in front of the rest of her teeth and I love that about her.
But, back to Girls Night, which translates to… no KIDS! The ladies I went out with are actually the other moms from the playgroup I am part of and we were so shocked to see each other without our kids in tow! It’s so easy to get out of the car without kids. I mean there I was unbuckling ONLY MY seatbelt. When was the last time that happened? Then I closed ONLY MY door and walked away with nothing in my hands, just a purse over my shoulder. Like a piece of cake I tell ya!
And, it was quiet in the car, I mean quiet beacause my radio isn’t working (long story…) so I REALLY wasn’t sure what to do with myself or my ears for that matter!
And then – at the restaurant – there was adult conversation – what a concept! Let me tell you, it was SO nice.
Our waiter was another story however. He was a little bit of a jerk. See we were enjoying our converstaion SO much that we stuck around quite a while after we paid for our dinner. He walked by and at one point (after NEVER coming by to offer us more to drink!) and asked, “Can I get you ladies anything, a tent or some sleeping bags?”
Have people just completely lost their manners?? I feel like I have a lot of these stories lately. Or maybe I am just getting old, because on my way home I actually started to think that what he said was quite funny. But that whipper-snapper better watch out next time, cuz I might bring my kids and then he’ll really have something to complain about!
Saggy boobs, flabby/no ass, no muscle tone makes for a great figure? OK.
Oh, and that is kinda funny what the waiter said…rude, but funny!
I like snarky waiters, as long as they are GOOD waiters! Bad waiters with an attitude do NOT get away with it with me. I am a secret shopper and it is born in me to point out bad things to a restaurant owner/manager.
Those girls nights out are wonderful. You forgot the wonderful part of being able to eat your whole meal without interruptions. No one’s food to cut, messes to wipe up, number of bites to compromise, whining about what’s on the table…..all that fun stuff!
i’ve worked in a restaurant for 12 years, so more often than not i side with the staff. but, in this case, i would really call and complain. i mean, that was just heinous behaviour. and they’ll almost certainly give you a free meal to make it up to you…i say it’s worth a try.
other than that, it sounds like it was a great night. i love mexican food AND katherine heigl. i’m jealous!
Hi. Found you through the giveaway. Love your blog, even if I was not allowed to enter your giveaway (N Ireland not currently being one of the states of the US). I had a cinema/girls night out recently – saw PS I Love You.
I had Mom’s night out with my girls last Friday and we had Mexican, too!! So needed! We saw P.S. I Love You… Great movie, but kinda hard to watch.