We took a lot of road trips when I was a kid.  For summer vacations mostly.  We played car games like “I Spy”,  the alphabet game and “Tank” (if you are not from south Texas and your name is not Elaine, Misty or Amanda, you may not know that last one – I think my cousins and I made it up).
On our road trip last weekend G decided to start blurting out the shapes he could find in the clouds.  He has a few standard animals he always “sees”.  Turtles, whales, pigs.  Funny how that works out…
He likes for us to play along too.  If you know my husband you probably know what kinds of shapes he sees.
If you do not know my husband. Nevermind.

this one is from my phone, edited in instagram.  I see a jet ski. And bug guts. he he.

While away the kids played well together.  But it was pretty hot out so most of the games were played on the Wii.
I did take pics of our kids and our friends kids together outside in their backyard and some of K playing the “climb up the slide and then slide down the slide” game.  She thought that one was great fun. (and yes, she is sporting her p.j.s)

G liked the “see if you can take my picture while I swing” game.

This was taken during the “line up by the wall so I can snap away” game.

I like to call this last one, “Hey!  Where’d everybody go?!?!”

My Godson, isn’t he cute?  And yes, his shirt is true. 😉

What games have you played with your family lately?

Just thinking about it makes me want to break out the game of Life.  I used to make my poor mother play it with me all the time.  I just loved piling my itty-bitty plastic pink and blue kids into my itty-bitty, no-gasoline-needed car. 🙂  Those were the days…


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