Tim brought K a copy of “Frozen” during lunch on Tuesday. You know the same day that my Facebook feed was filled with updates about buying it at Target and (okay, I’m guilty, I added a photo to the collection, see below… ) how excited people were to get their copy from the UPS guy. I wonder how many delivery guys got kisses on Tuesday. I mean, I know mine did.
When K realized what her Dad had brought her she smiled hugely and said, “Dad, you’re awesome.” He really is. And he even admitted to purchasing our soon to be over-used copy at Target too and went there because he needed more coffee and he knew there was a Starbucks there. Two birds, one stone, you know the drill. But wait, did he go there in his yoga pants too, like me? And buy 47 more things that the 2 he went in there for in the first place? It’s like we traded roles there for a minute. Scary. (he didn’t do that last part, so it’s okay, everyone calm down…)
Anyway, as you can imagine the movie has now been on an almost constant loop in our house the last few days and as much as I like it (and I do did like it) I’m afraid I’m a tad bit tried of that one song and I really do want to be able to “let it go.” If you know what I mean…
I am trying to remember if there was anything I liked this much as a kid, movie-wise and it’s not coming to me. I guess movies just weren’t quite the big deal back then that they are nowadays, especially Disney ones. The first movie I remember going to see was E.T. And I was a bit freaked out by him, honestly. And then one of my brothers got me a stuffed “E.T.” for Christmas and I pretended really hard to like it.
I did go see “Beaches” with my friend Julie twice and the second time we sang to all the songs while in the theater. And it was not a sing-a-long like theaters have actually hosted for Frozen. No, this was just a regular viewing of the SADDEST MOVIE EVER! Sorry 1988 movie-goers.
But I digress.
K loves this movie but I am hoping this phase will pass soon, because even though Christoph and Prince whats-his-name’s voices are nice to listen to from the home office, I’m also kind of over them.

during her 3rd or 4th or 5th viewing… I can’t keep track.
But wait! Elsa has a twitter account so I think we are probably in for the long haul.
And she re-tweeted me and suggested a jacket so yeah, we’re besties now.
Personally I’d rather be BFFs with Idina Menzel but this is a start, I guess…
My post, Can I Get Some Space Please? is featured on Bon Bon Break!
There’s till time to win a custom, hand-stamped bracelet from Ruby Leon Jewelry!
Scarlet SCREAMED on the E.T. ride at Universal in January. Oops! And I honestly hated “Beaches” and got ripped apart for that one..
Anyway, this wasn’t so exciting to us because we already have had Frozen for awhile now, but I do remember that the day we surprised Scarlet with it a few months ago? It was like Christmas.
So it was awesome to see everyone surprising their kids with it this week!
Tamara recently posted…Goodbye To You.
I used to sing songs from A Little Mermaid allthetime, heh.
You’re a good Mama.
And a Twitter superstar!
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #12: Door
So fun! Such a great movie!

I don’t think we had the benefit of watching a movie over and over and over again. My parents didn’t even have a VCR until I was in high school.
I did love The Goonies, however (and Sound of Music and Wizard of Oz) and watched it EVERY time it was on tv.
Kat recently posted…Birthday Wishes
I am right there with you! We were also “surprised” by a special delivery man who brought home a copy of Frozen after work. He opted for the combo pack so I could have a copy for the house AND the car.
How nice of him!
Kim recently posted…DIY: Easter Bunny Blocks
I can’t wait to see Frozen again. We saw it once in the theatre – it was the first movie that really held my youngest’s attention from beginning to end. He adored Olaf.

For me it was The Sound of Music – I could recite the movie I have seen it so many times over the years.
And I too have been known to belt out the Beaches soundtrack – such great songs.
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Layers
We got the DVD on Thursday and watched it twice already. I’m a little obsessed with it, too. LOL That is so cool how Elsa replied to your tweets! Carl Grimes from the Walking Dead followed me on Twitter the other day and I practically jumped out of my chair when I got the notification! Stopping by from #SITSSharefest
Gracielle recently posted…My Happy Place: Anna Maria Island
I’m so behind the Frozen phenomenon. I saw it for the first time Thursday and I loved it and I really want to watch it again. But I can get how it gets old we went to open play at our local gym and they played the soundtrack over and over for an hour and a half, talk about overkill. I watched Annie over and over as a kid and used to pretend I was in an orphanage. I still love that movie.
Julia recently posted…A Space for Memories
I got this for my ten-year-old last Tuesday and she was so excited. She watched it at least three more times since then. I have only listened to it from wherever I am in the house. There is something about this movie that EVERYONE is gaga over. I guess I will have to find out soon.
Andrea recently posted…Getting Ahead
I haven’t seen Frozen yet (gasp) but the in laws took the oldest. He didn’t really say much about it? Lol maybe bc he’s a boy, and it didn’t have cars?

Natalie recently posted…A Blog Anniversary
DO you have the soundtrack yet? I have given up the resistance I was mounting and now we just drive around, belting out “Let It GO,” at the top of our lungs. All. Day. Long. Am still trying to work out a few more hidden meanings to the movie, if I am going to watch it on a continuous loop for six weeks I may as well do some sociological research right? Great blog
My son is in love with Frozen, not to mention my daughter too, but he makes up games and I get to be Queen Elsa =)
Amanda Jillian recently posted…Green Things