Christmas is over, right? Well you wouldn’t necessarily know it at my house. Yes, the presents are unwrapped and the decorations are (almost) put away and the cookies are all eaten up but one thing continues… The songs. Ben WILL NOT quit singing the same cadence of “Frosty” and “Rudolph” over and over… and… over. Oh and there is a little “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” in there too. I think he’s having Christmas withdrawal and this is how he is dealing with it. Better than asking for more presents I guess, right? I suppose there are worse addictions.
So, all this continued singing got me thinking. Isn’t it funny how it really is just OVER. We do SO much prep and there is SO much aniticipation and beauty and then all of the sudden – it’s gone. And, even though it’s only a few days behind us, now Christmas seems SO far away because it’s not coming again for another three hundred and sixty something days. In the Catholic church it is customary to keep your decorations up until the Feast of the Epiphany (which will be this weekend) since this marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas and when the wise men visited the baby Jesus. I have to admit, I am usually too tired of looking at it all by then and want to return to my normal, “naked” house.
Even the local radio station cuts the Christmas music off right away. They start the music around November 1st I think (can you say “over kill?”), but at the stroke of midnight on Christmas Day night, their programming changes back to regular music. Well, I haven’t actually listened at that time, but I would be willing to bet my Christmas CD collection on it.
So, since I was the one who claimed to love Christmas music in a post from LAST YEAR I will let it play and be sung in my house as long as the three-year old deems it so. “Rudolph” is currently playing in the other room as I type this. I guess he’ll just go when he’s ready. Merry Christmas (I know, I am a little early this year…)
Have you taken your decorations down yet? Will you let the music play if your kids still want to hear it? Just curious. Let me know what your time line is in a comment if you want.
Oh and by the way, this is my 100th Post, crazy, huh? Looking forward to 100 more!
congrats on 100!
We took our decorations down a few days after Christmas. Usually it is the very next day, but we left it up a day or 2 longer this year. I have a problem with clutter…I can’t stand it, yet I constantly create it. So, after a while all of the extra stuff out around the house really starts to get to me. I think that I’m progressively from year to year decorating less so that I can stand it longer and not feel overwhelmed by it. Does that make sense??
If you are referring to the christian radio station around here, yes, over kill is the correct description! and I say as long is Ben is happy let the choruses of Frosty and Rudolph continue!
We were going to take down the decorations this weekend, but nice weather and furniture shopping got in the way. I am going crazy though, so we will be taking stuff down this week. As for Christmas music, I have stopped listening to it. I listened to my iPod most of the season anyway. I hate that the local station plays any song randomly associated with Christmas and abruptly ends it on Christmas Day. I would prefer the regular rotation with good Christmas songs thrown in throughout the month of December. But I’m not in charge.
This is so funny. Your child knows what is good – and that is Christmas. Let him enjoy it as long as he wants. I love the music, too.
As for the decorations, my Christmas tree is still up in my LR. We hardly ever go in there anyway.
I haven’t taken the time to take it down. I don’t have anything else out. I’ve already stashed away my cards, too.
I know one woman who leaves her tree up since she decorates with beautiful apples that look real. It’s just an all-year decoration in her LR which they never use either.