I’ve been blogging here for over 6 years now. It kinda blows my mind that I have been writing and photographing and posting about my life and family for that long in this space. Recently I was thinking about how so many “bloggers” aspire to write a book and I kind of think I have already written one here.
Obviously, I am not saying that I am going to go out and publish my blog for anyone and try to sell it because well, yeah, no… But, I am contemplating making it into a book somehow for myself and my family (isn’t there a site that will do this for you?). I am an extremely sentimental person and I think it would be great to have some of this (at least) in print.
And because of all of this writing and posting sometimes I get the question… how do you always have something to write about?
I have three children and the birthing and mothering and raising of them certainly seems to keep the words and photos flowing. For now anyway.
Also, I would call myself a “sharing” person and I am most certainly an extrovert, who likes to write. And likes acknowledgement and for people to generally like “her” (me). 🙂
Inspiration for a blog post often comes while I am driving down the road to the next errand or I am soaping up my hair in the shower (I know, sorry). Sometimes it strikes me right in the moment that my child is in the frame of my camera, doing something I know that I can write about or can be the basis of a post. Many times my ideas come while I am laying in bed at night, before I fall asleep, and 20 things are swirling around in my brain. Sometimes I get up and write them down. Sometimes I just drift off and hope I remember in the morning (that last part RARELY happens, by the way…).
And as far as the book writing goes, I do have an idea in my head for one, that has nothing to do with this blog. Will it ever come to fruition? Maybe. Maybe not. It’s not something that is on my personal bucket list or something that I feel I absolutely MUST do, but I think it would be cool. I’m just not sure I have the writing stamina in me for a “real” book like that. I mean wow, an ENTIRE book (of fiction). That’s kind of a BIG deal.
For now, writing here is good. It’s great for my soul, my creativity and my sentimental self. Would I like to write, elsewhere? Sure, if it fits my life and goals, absolutely. I do hope to explore it more at some point.
Right now I simply hope that the inspiration continues to flow as it has for these several years now.
But with cuties like this for inspiration, I think I am safe for now…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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