Five has Arrived!

From this….

To this…

To my Benja on his 5th Birthday,

So here we are, five years from when YOU, my first baby, came into my life and changed if forever.

It’s hard to express all the feelings that come to mind when I type that. They are many and varied. I’ll be honest, the first few weeks of your life were challenging – from my recovery after your birth, to having to give up on breastfeeding, to jaundice. And you’ve continued to challenge your father and I in so many ways. But amongst the challenges have been THE most amazing experiences parents could imagine and wish for.

Today you are a bright, precocious, inquisitive, loving, intelligent little guy who loves to help me bake, enjoys playing on the computer with Daddy and can’t go to bed without a kiss from your “fuzzy buzzy” (also known as your little brother).
When I asked you what we should name the new baby on the way you said “Woofy.” I should have expected that since you LOVE, love, love your collection of stuffed animals including Woofy, Buffy the squirrel, Hoppy the bunny and Blackie, another “puppy” of yours (all of these names you’ve come up with, by the way…). These, and MANY of the other stuffies you have, MUST be on your bed every night when you go to bed. It’s a good thing you have a large bed.
We have told you that after you turn five you will go to Kindergarten, which right now you don’t seem too jazzed about. You still sort of protest on “school day” mornings, although I know you have a great time while you are there. When I asked your teacher about your hesitation and the fact that you say you are “scared to make mistakes,” she told me you are a perfectionist. I have noticed this somewhat at home lately too.
You would wear one of your many pairs of gray, knit shorts every day all day if I would let you. I make you wear pants or jeans to school (or nice shorts when it’s warmer) but the minute you get home you change into your gray shorts and whichever t-shirt is favored that day.
Lately your favorite show is Toot & Puddle on Noggin. I’m not exactly sure why you like it so much but it’s a cute and somewhat educational show so I’m okay with that.
You are writing some and reading a little and it’s truly amazing to see that learning process begin. You love to “make rhymes” and we will spend many minutes at a time rhyming words (the title of this post honors your love of rhyming right now!). And counting has become a big deal lately too. Last night in the bathtub you were so excited to count to 100!
At bedtime your favorite book right now is the children’s bible. Between the two of us, Daddy and I have probably read through it 20 times! After that we say our prayers and then you say “Check on me in one minute, can’t be so long, I love you, goodnight” and you make me say it too as I close the door. Most nights when I do check on you (I admit it’s usually longer than a minute), you are already fast asleep.
Right now your favorite foods are a peanut butter sandwhich (NO jelly), pancakes, pretty much any green vegetable (I did something right!), corn dogs, pizza, spaghetti, yogurt, strawberries, bananas and cantaloupe.
Things you won’t touch with a 10-foot pole include cheese, salad, milk, and any kind of soup. Not sure why you are anti-soup but trust me, you are.
These five years have flown by and I can hardly believe that in a few months you will be heading to school and gone every day, becoming more independent and mature in the process.
Today, I just want you to know that your Daddy and I are so excited to celebrate your day and the anniversary of your birth with you. You are a bright light that shines every day in our lives and we love you so very much, my sweet, sweet boy.
Happy Birthday and here’s to many, many more…

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