We went to Costco today – you know… the place where I buy my jeans (see previous post). We always go with a little list of things we need and then end up with WAY more stuff.
What is that about anyway?
Unfortunately we never walk out with the big rock (a.k.a. diamond) that I always make my way over to first (just so happend the big rocks are in the front of the store). I can always hear it calling my name, “Come over Elaine and look at the splendor that is me. I could be on your hand, all big and obnoxious, if only you had 20 Grand to spare!” Then I hear another voice calling,
“Elaine – Let’s go!” That would be my husband and his actual voice.
Of course sometimes I just walk away on my own because I know I have to come back to reality and Tim is NOT calling me because he has gone over into his own dream land, also known as the electronics area. So, it just depends who can separate themselves from their coveted items first.
Sometimes it’s a tie and we both end up back near the clothing section, which is our next stop. Yeah, see, we kind of have our Costco route mapped out. After clothes we check out a few of the aisles in the kitchen/home gadget and parephenalia section. Here I usually find about 3 things I want but don’t want to fork over the cash for. Although today I did end up with a 20 piece glass bowl set that I “need because we aren’t supposed to store stuff in plastic anymore!” I can rationalize almost any purchase. It’s a gift.
We then move on to the seasonal area which of course right now has outdoor furniture and stuff for your lawn, etc. Then there’s the wine and refrigerated foods and the baked goods and most importantly, the promise of a few good samples being doled out. Yes folks, we really go for the samples. Today they had key lime cheesecake. And today, Little G ate his first Costco sample, and quite happily I might add. He was NOT happy when it was gone. Like mother, like son.
Then we hit the paper goods. The mountains of paper goods. I mean do we really use that much toilet paper? Oh yes we do.
Then there’s the frozen section, all 4 aisles of it.
Chicken nuggets. Check
Talapia filets. Check
Cream Puffs (oooh yummy – there’s that voice again…) “NO, YOU CANNOT HAVE THOSE!!” (there’s the REAL voice again.)
Frozen peas. Check
Some random other frozen food that looks good. Check.
We round out the trip by meandering through the dry goods aisles to see if there is anything else that we “need” and the last stop is usually diapers and wipes.
Then there is the matter of payment. Sometimes I will look at Tim and say, “What’s the damage??” Sometimes I just don’t even pay attention. I mean we do use ALMOST everything we buy there. There have been occasions when we tried a particular food item on a whim and it doesn’t quite work out. You know like the organic wasabi crusted raisins… Ok, I made that one up, but you get me.
The worst part of all this bulk shopping? Brining it home and finding a place to store it all. Thank goodness we have a decent amount of storage in this house. Of course it might be good if we didn’t then I wouldn’t feel compelled to buy 12 cans of mandarin oranges. Hey, we’ll eat them… eventually.
Ah… how I love bulk shopping.
I love finding the items that have a little star next to them, meaning they are clearance items and are usually marked down. It then sucks when you like the item, and they no longer have it. hm.
Oh, and for the record- I believe everyone goes for the samples! I know I do!!
Ok, I really love the Costco low-fat frozen ravioli. You just dice up some grape tomatos and sautee them in some garlic salt/olive oil and then throw them in with the included cheese sauce. That stuff is awesome.
Also, my husband is obsessed with the muffins. I don’t get it – because two adults cannot consume 300 muffins before they go bad. It can’t be done. And yet he always tries.
Also, I spend way more money at Costco than I should, too. Yes! I need that jar of artichoke hearts that can feed 300 people for 20 years! And then I eat maybe 20 of the artichoke hearts and discover there are 300 left that I don’t want. *sigh*
Also, did you know you can order your coffin at Costco? I kid you not.
I totally hear you on this which is why I have no membership. I limit it to the 3 or 4 times a year my parents are here and I go with my mom.
My bank account and my hubby thank me.
Wasabi crusted raisins – you make me laugh and also? A little hungry too….
Our Costco trips and even our shopping list sounds very similar to yours! We heart Costco!
Fun and true
Oh I hear ya! I’m always overshopping at ours – and where do you put a 5 lb tin of BEANS?
What’s a thrifty girl to do?
That reminds me of our twice a month trip to Sam’s Club. I slobber all over their jewelry cases!
I’ve never been to Costco but I really need to. I told my husband that I need to go somewhere like that to stock up food for this summer when the kids are out of school.
I’m sooo with you on this one… and going there with a friend is even worse! At least with Hubby there I tend to stick more to the list. If a friend is there, well, lets just say there isn’t much left in the store. We rationalize purchases for each other! lol.
We love costco! I recently purchased some scrapbook stuff there! We also just recently tried the Talapia, and it is amazing! I need to update my Costco favorites list on my blog!
Ah Costco! I always have lots of time to dream of diamonds while my dh checks out the electronics. We have made lots of purchases from that department, but so far none in the diamond case. Darn.