So now that I’m “out” with my pregnancy, I’m free to blog, twitter, email and talk about it. Last week I wanted to twitter about my nausea so badly but I resisted. And… I’m pretty sure that I would have lost some followers in the process if I had. But beware people because those tweets may be coming. And possibly a post or two also. There really is no controlling this special pregnancy type of crazy hormonal-ness…
I told Ben last week that Mommy was going to have another baby and he said “Can we name it Woofy?” (remember the dog that was lost at the restaurant zoo?) Yeah, he wants to name the kid after his favorite stuffed dog. Wonderful.
I won’t feel the “realness” of this until I go for my first sonogram in a week and hear the heartbeat. I’m pretty nervous up until then. I don’t know why, I just am.
My favorite beverage while pregnant is San Pellegrino with a twist of lime. We bought a case at Costco last weekend. I’m thinking we should’ve bought two… or three…
I make dinner, I eat it and then a few hours later whatever I ate for dinner sounds like the WORST meal on the planet. EVER. I’m hungry for it when I make it but if I have to clean up the dishes… uh… not so good.
Dozing. That’s my new favorite word. I’m getting REALLY good at dozing.
I need a pedicure REALLY bad. Ok, that has nothing to do with being pregnant but it’s the Truth Ruth! I can’t believe I am about to admit this but I haven’t had one since the girls and I went to Napa back at the end of October. Now y’all get how bad I need one, right?
THANK YOU so much to all of you who commented on my post with Congratulations and well wishes and prayers yesterday. It really means a lot to me. REALLY.
This should be fun following along with you seeing as I just had a baby! (she was my third too)
I’m with you on the whole “yum dinner! / Ugh, dinner, blech!” thing. That was the story of my life in the beginning to!
Hope you’re feeling better soon!
I am right there with you sister sleep has been my friend and food has not, the thought of preparing dinner made me want to yak
Oh, I so need a pedi, too. I haven’t had one since before Nat was born (and she was born right around your trip)!
I hated the food part of pregnancy; I wish I could be hungry and know what I wanted at the same time!
Oh I think it is about time for a pedi now that you are pregnant and all :)!! Get to it girl!
The part about eating dinner, and then an hour later, just thinking of that meal makes you want to vomit…that'[s me…all the time. How fun is pregnancy!?
Congratulations! how awesome…I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well…I totally understand! Keep us updated.
yeah, my last pedicure was in october but david sent me to the salon on friday as an early valentines so i just got one. go treat yourself to one…you deserve it! maybe you could doze in the chair while they work on your feet!
sorry you are feeling yucky.
Elaine I will be your pedi buddy any time you like; whether we are in Napa or otherwise.
I am not pregnant and I still do that when I do the dishes after supper. Go get that pedicure. And Woofy is so not “in” for a girl’s name.
Get all the pedicures you can while you are pregnant!! Mom’s of 3 probably have a harder time getting around to them than mom’s of 2! Oh, and my last pedi was in October…
I had an irrational hatred of chicken while I was pregnant with Cole….and chicken is my favorite. Plus, I could not stand the thought of coffee even though I am a major coffee addict…pregnancy crazies…fun stuff!
This makes me want to second guess our “Trying to get prego”… because well… This is the stuff we “forget” about having babies! AH!
As for the pedi…GO get one, girl! You deserve it!
morning sickness is the worst! i had that w both my girls. the dozing came w my son. i could sit or lay anywhere and i’d doze off instantly.
i’m excited for you, but for me, i’m glad those days are over. so weird how i just stopped having a desire for babies right after the last one. i will say though that when my ex’s gf got pregnant, i was a little saddened. not that i really wanted one you see, but i knew that i would never be able to have another one and the fact he was supposed to get snipped, but i did the tubal instead lol i was over it rather quickly though
Oh YAY!!! Congrats!! 3 kids is definately different than 2. but you’ll get the hang of it. I sooo do not miss that 1st trimester crap! so sorry! Hope it passes soon!
Woofy! That is precious! My son wanted to name K, “Chinese” because we told my parents at a night out eating chinese food! LOL
I am three months pregnant and have been naseous 24 hours a day for three months, it was the same with my first one. I was sick the whole pregnancy. No one I know wants to hear about it. Check out my blog…
LOL because all I could drink when I was pregnant with my boys was San Pellegrino with lime. I have not met anyone else that had that til now. Craving asparagus too?
Hope your morning sickness gets better soon–it WILL get better and it will be worth it.
I need a pedi too!
On I am so happy for you Elaine!!! Congratulations!!!
I need a pedicure too! I wish we could go together!
Pedicures + Pregnancy = MUST!
Congrats sweetie!! I’m so happy for you. :o)
Congrats on the pregnancy. How exciting! (I’m only a little jealous.) I hated being pregnant, but the end result is worth it.
And dozing is good.
Um, I haven’t had a pedicure in a year. I have to do my own toes at home. But you should get one every weekend when Tim gets back home, because you have earned it girl.
I was the SAME WAY with food when I was pregnant.
Congratulations again!
I love your random pregnancy thoughts
Woofy would be a great name for a boy, you know I want you to be 3 boys one mommy right? You know that would fill me with joy because I could sell you the rights to my blog title and banner
So sorry about the nausea.
I hope it leaves you soon.
I love that B wants to call his baby Woofy.
When I was pregnant with Claire Chase wanted to call her Godzilla.
He even suggested “Zilla” as a nickname.
After hearing that…Woofy is starting to sound fabulous…no?
Ohhh…sweetie…I am so sorry about the nausea. M/s was my worst enemy.
And I so know what you mean about the love/hate relationship you have with dinner! Lol!
I hope you get to go and relax and have a nice pedi. You truly deserve it!
I can’t wait to hear about your first sono! Keeping you in my prayers that e’thing will be perfect and healthy
Oh, but the need for a pedi is related to the pregnancy! Cuz in a few months, you won’t be able to see those pretty toes. ;o)
You will post the sono photos next week, right? Can’t wait. I hope your morning sickness isn’t too bad – I was so sick for months with N.
CONGRATS…seems there is a lot of pregos around the blogosphere.
I’m so happy for you (in case I didn’t already tell you)! I’m just now catching up on my blog reading (yeah, during the Oscars – for shame).
Anyway, I’ll keep you in my prayers!