… even if you move away, right? Say “right.” Right now, say “right.”
K, thanks.
Sorry for being so forceful but I need your help here.
In the last week I’ve spent some quality time with my girlfriends that I’ve had since college, early marriage and since having children. These woman mean so VERY MUCH to me that it’s hard to put into words. From talking about how we got puked on the other day, to toasting with a glass of wine poured within the very vineyard where it was bottled, these ladies have been my rocks.
Take for instance my friend and neighbor Mandy, who let me use her car to take my kids to school when my keys went missing and has listened to me go on about family stuff or my kids, because well, that’s just the kind of gal she is. Or my friend Claudia who is letting us invade her house for a couple of days before we get on the road to Louisiana and has cleaned my kitchen many a time after a family get-together. Oh and she makes REALLY good banana pudding too. I think I’ve mentioned that before… (remember, I like food. a lot.)
Or my friend Jennifer who has been in my life since we were 20 and who was in my wedding and I in hers and reminds me of the “good ole days” on a regular basis. Or my friend Heidi, who I’ve only known for a little over a year but I quickly discoverd has one of THE best senses of humor on the planet. I mean she almost makes me pee my pants with her stories. And here lately, as the belly grows, there’s an even bigger chance of that.
And that my friends, are just a few examples of the wonderful ladies in my life.
So, what I’m trying to say is that I triple-super-heart-love my friends here and I’m afraid I won’t find such stellar ones where I am going and that scares me. If I find people with 1/8 of the heart my current group of friends has, I will be lucky.
And of course I’m not saying “Goodbye” to my friends here. NO WAY! Yes, I won’t be able to see them as much as usual but we will always be friends. We will stay in touch and if I’m lucky some of them may even come to visit me. (please come visit me, I promise to cook for you and provide lots of ‘beverages’ and ‘treats.’)
Isn’t this a fun picture? It makes me smile.
This was last Saturday for a Mom’s Night out at Heidi’s house. From top left and then clockwise: Me, Heidi, Elaine (yes, also her name!), Irina and Mandy
Sunday night dinner with my long time friends and traveling buddies: (me again), Jennifer (by me), Heather and, Heather!
Tuesday night’s dinner with the mom’s in the playgroup I’ve been in since I quit working (outside the home that is!) after Little G was born. In picture above, left to right: Natalie, Jennifer G., Jennifer M, Claudia
And here, Tracy, Michelle and me.
(and glad we took these ladies because the group pictures both had issues!) : )
Love and hugs to you all, my IN REAL LIFE friends that matter so, SO much to me. I don’t know what I would do with out you and I hope to never find out…
Like I said, no “goodbye,” just “see you later…” : )
There is nothing like a good friend IN REAL LIFE. But there are always awesome new ones to still be discovered…
I like the idea, no ‘goodbyes,’ just ‘see you later.’ Friends, indeed play very important part in life besides family. And wherever you are off to now, I believe that you will continue to find friends as great as them, as long as you treat others sincerely from our hearts.
ya gotta have your girlfriends! those are great pictures
I can say with absolute certainty that you can still stay not only friends but the very best of friends. I moved from Connecticut to Florida more than seven years ago & my best girlies are still my best girlies. We may not get to spend as much in-person time together as we used to but when we do get some time, it is even more precious! And in between those times we keep in touch with phone calls, emails, cards in the mail, photos, Facebook, blogs. A few thousand miles isn’t bigger than our friendship. =)
aww what a wonderful tribute to your friends! I can REALLY see the love you have for them!
Stay strong, girlie– you’re so blessed with these friends and I think you will realize that not only will they be apart of your life forever, but that things are going to be amazing for you in your new home!
Snif, snif! How sweet was this post?! Moving is not easy. 12 years of being separated from some really great friends stinks! But that was such a nice post, what a good friend you are!!
Beautiful post–and what a wonderful group of friends you all are!
Just from reading what you have written I KNOW you will all remain friends…best friends…forever. True, you may not see them as much, but the phone calls, e-mails, letters…and think of how much fun it’ll be when you all get together!
(((hugs))) sweetie. And your friends are truly lucky to have such a sweet, sweet friend like you.
Hi Elaine
Beauty full post! Real friends are forever, no doubt about it. My two very best friends live interstate, though we don’t see each other nearly as often as we would like to, we still chat regulalry on the phone and when we do see each other face to face, it’s like we have never been apart.
Even though you won’t replace your current friends, you will meet new and wonderful people when you move. Anyone who becomes your friend will be blessed to have you in their life.
Lots of love
I just got all “misty-eyed” when I read this….that was such a sweet post. You KNOW we’ll always be great friends, but I know with your personality and huge heart that you’ll have no prob in the new town. : )
Love you! Jennifer (a.k.a. “Fer”)
Great friends are so hard to come by. Looks like you are incredible blessed. What a wonderful group of friends!
You are such a lucky woman. I have seen my circle of female friends dwindle a little as I have married and become a mom but the ones I do have mean so, so much more.
It’s definitely worth the effort to keep up…
uhm now i won’t be able to get that song out of my head all day!!!
Awww…I would be sad, too. Leaving friends would be very hard. But, hopefully, the memories and trips back will help.
And, I’m sure you’ll make new friends.
Plus, you’ve got all of your bloggy friends that will move with you:)
wonderful friends are so precious! May you find some new ones and maintain the old ones too!
You sure are a lucky gal to have such a great group of friends! I know one more chick that will miss ya, too. :0)
I’ve had the same best friend since 1st grade and in two weeks she will be moving to Oklahoma.
We have lived states apart many times before, so I know it will all be fine. But I do know how you feel. 
And yes. You will all stay friends.
Aww, so sweet. Friends are the best, and like you said, it’s only ‘see you later’. True friends last forever. My two best friends live 5 hours away from me, and when we get together, it’s as if we’d seen eachother yesterday!
Our friends are the family we choose.
This is one of my biggest fears if and when we move….what am I saying- WHEN we move. We seem to be living parallel lives Elaine!
oh no! what happened with the group picture??? what were the “issues”? we will miss you but at least we can for sure stay in touch with each others lives via the blogs!