There are many things I remember about my freshman year in college.
I remember the smell of the elevator in my dorm (don’t ask). I remember that about the only thing that was good in the dining hall were the chicken fingers. Oh and the peach cobbler. With ice cream. I ate A LOT of those two things my freshman year. (can you say, Freshman 15??)
I remember walking in the rain a lot that first semester and thanking my mother under my breath for buying me those “silly” golashes that I thought were ridiculous at the time. Saved my bacon.
I remember changing roomates just a few months in and having to move ALL MY STUFF up and down one flight of stairs by myself to change rooms. Even my second roomate didn’t work out that well. Wonder if I should have stayed.
I remember getting strep throat and wishing I had my Mommy as I walked ALL the way across campus to the health center with my throat throbbing and a raging fever.
I remember walking out of my dorm room to go to an exam after watching the news that Kurt Cobain had died on my roomate’s little t.v.
I remember doing my homework to Ace of Base at my half of the desk in my room while people slammed their room’s doors so hard it made the walls shake.
I remember being late to my very first class of second semester which was the first class specifically for my major and taught by the professor who would become my mentor.
I remember being so excited to receive letters or packages in my post box at the student union from my mom or from my boyfriend at the time, that was back at home completing his senior year (he was younger than me).
But probably the thing I remember the most is meeting and becoming friends with Corrie.
Corrie and I are VERY different but we were drawn to each other for many reasons. We both love music and shopping and we pretty much have the same sense of humor.
The night I met her a friend of mine from the dorm took me over to another girl’s room and Corrie was there. She was sitting down on the floor by the “jam box” (yeah, I’m old, get over it) playing CDs and being d.j. for our little party. After that we quickly became friends and started hanging out.
There were many reasons why I could have left (and even wanted to) that college and gone back home but I believe that both Corrie and the co-ed fraternity that I joined saved me from doing that.
I’ll always REMEMBER the night that she and I went to the Sack N’ Save and despite the fact that she was 14 months younger than me, she bought the beer without the cashier even blinking an eye. (remember, we were freshmen and by the way, she skipped a year in school). We sat outside on the large lawn by the dorm in the dark and drank our beer and ate Star Crunches.
She’s quirky like that and I’ve always loved how from the very beginning, she had me take the path not always traveled. I would totally drink beer and eat Star Crunches with her any day. That’s how much I love her. ; )
Oh and Sophmore year she became my roomate and we lived together until we graduated. She was in my wedding, we’ve visited her in Colorado and her parents are like a second set to me when I see them. Oh and boy can that girl cook! See, a girl after my own heart.
Corrie will ALWAYS be one of my very best friends. There are days when I wish I could just sit down and talk with her and she could give me her perspective or just her ear. We used to talk forever when we lived together. Sometimes I think just being in the same room with her would make me feel better when I’m not so good. In fact I know it would…
This one is for you, Cor! You know I love you and always will. Thanks for the memories, the friendship and all the wonderful things you’ve brought into my life since that day our freshman year. I miss you and I love you! MWAH!
(Me & Corrie in 1995 – please don’t make fun of my hair…)
what a great friendship!
my favorite part of that photo is actually the rack on the wall holding all the CASSETTES! (i had quite a collection myself.)

I was actually going to laugh at the tapes,too. haha. I still have some of my tapes- wish I could play them. haha.
What a great friendship!
That almost makes me miss the dorms…almost.
But it also makes me remember the WONDERFUL friends I made in college. I miss them terribly. I wish I could take a trip to go see them!!
Im so glad you made such a wonderful friend in college!!
Aw! Lovely post.
And I think your hair’s cute! (1995? could have been so much more make-funable than it is!)
Who didn’t get the freshman 15. 1995 will be a lot funnier in about 10 years. Where have all the cassettes gone…still have a combo player in my 2006 Mazda.
Corrie sounds awesome!
And, I did quite a few roommate moves myself!
omg did you just say starcrunches??
i think beans and i need to go to the store…
thanks for the memories friend – there was nothing quite like freshman year!
I think it’s beautiful that you both became and remained friends for so long
What a wonderful friendship!
I am so glad I got to live with you guys, even though it was only a semester… not nearly long enough. Boy, Corrie does have a great perspective. I can hear her voice now. Miss you guys- glad that we are still in touch 10 years later. -JenFB
E!!! You’re too fabulous! Thanks for the walk down our happy and sacred memory lane. The beer we bought was Shiner! Yah, buddy. The green Sarah McLachlin shirt you’re wearing in this photo is still in my posession and I bust it out when I need to cuddle on the couch with my hot chocolate and three 4-legged kids. Your hair was a result of your very own Oprah makeover! I thought it was so pro! I had the hair that went down past my rear, then ended up whacking it like yours. Just you wait, I’ve got a nice little assortment of pix to tag you in on FB. You are soooooo sweet, and have changed my life in so many wonderful ways. I’ll have to post the story about the answering machine sometime. You were my rock during those years of me fully flying by the seat if my pants and counting down the days to freedom from structure and school. I just barely got by. I was late to every class, never studied or did homework, never put laundry away, was mostly a pretty good girl but always had tons of guys over (entire fraternities, actually). Wow, you put up with a lot! But, hey, the boys were cute, and it’s a good thing you liked my cooking and my music. Ok, we also did a mean harmony that would result in random applause from all of our neighbors! We weren’t ever thinking about our volume being off the freaking charts! Love you back!!!!!
I totally loved my freshman year in the dorms! I had so much fun. Too much, in fact, because I got suspended for bad grades. Yup. Still paying for that ONE FUN YEAR.
Great post!
Aww-what a sweet story!!
Great friends are hard to find and even harder ot keep.
Love the cassettes and the plant thing int he background-I had both too!!
Awe, you took me on a trip down memory lane to college myself. I still have a few friends from then as well and I think we’re luck for that!!!!! Your friendship sounds like a life-enhancing one and that’s something to always treasure. Thanks for coming by not so long ago and saying hi. I am still playing catch up.
What an awesome walk down memory lane! She sounds like one heck of a friend.
I love the part about buying the beer. hehe. What a fun friend.
friends for life are the best kind of friends!!!
i used to eat star crunches and drink cheerwine! ah…the memories!
What an awesome story – it sounds like a beautiful & lifelong friendship. Yay!!
Great story of all the college memories, too. I enjoyed reading about them. University here is quite different, and I didn’t live in a hostel/dorm so I missed out on some of those experiences you had!
So now we have to make fun of your hair, you know that right? unfortunately it’s not unlike what my hair looks like presently, so I’ll hold my tongue
Hey is that a Sarah shirt? You are so in love with Canadians! You win Kami, YOU WIN!
I’m with 3B1M, we are sooo going to make fun of your hair (since you said something!).
Ahhh, Ace of Base…..memories…
OK reading this made me feel old
LOL You are lucky none of my coleege roommates were that cool.
That’s awesome, Elaine. And you’re making me remember a bunch of stuff from my Freshman year too (I got hit with the Freshman 15 too, lol).
What a nice post!!!! We must have been in college around the same time because I was studying to Ace of Base too!
Make fun of your hair? I love you hair there. Is that wrong? I wish I had a friend like that. But, I’d say for me, that person was Puppy.
Which dorm did you live in? I lived in Kerr Hall. I rarely ate the food and actually lost ten pounds or so my freshman year (don’t hate me). I dated a younger guy too, and spent too many weekends my first semester back home visiting him. Second semester I went to Mass and signed up for a retreat team. There I met the people that made my college experience what it was and I still see/visit those women (and some men) on a regular basis.
That is really the best part of college! Dorms and friendships
Love this little tribute and you both look adorable
I am so glad that i got to read that story. It made me a little misty-eyed. I guess I never knew how you gals became friends. I am so glad to know how I got my “brown-eyed”girl to go with my blue-eyed red-head. And what a cute. sweet picture.
HA! I have it in writing from 3boys1mommy! I win, I win!
I actually like your hair, it was better than mine in 1995, I assure you.
What a great friendship, those are worth their weight in gold!
What a great story! I was so into my husband to be in college that I didn’t maintain any of my college friendships!
Read your article, if I just would say: very good, it is somewhat insufficient, but I am still tempted to say: really good!
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