I posted this photo on Insta.gram on Saturday while we waited in line to see Santa. Or I should say while my oldest son (the only one to actually approach, talk to and sit in Santa’s lap) and the rest of the family waited in line for him to see Santa.
Anyway, someone commented that she was in awe of the big guy but I have to confess and say she was not looking at Mr. S at all when I took this photo with my phone. No, instead, she was quite enamored with the silly sign on display, that when you pressed a big, red button, made a large arrow land on “Naughty” or “Nice”. And I’ll be the first one to tell you that it lands on “Nice” every dang time, even if you are Gavin. ;-P
He he. Maybe only we, in this family, get that joke but I”m guessing you can infer what it means…
Anyway, K pressed the button 57 bajillion times and it always landed on “Nice”. Cause she SO is. Except when she’s crying. Which is a lot these days.
But anywho…
The kids wrote letters and sent them down the shoot to the N. Pole and the little ones did at least pass by the big dude in red.
And The B Man got to have a nice convo and get his picture taken with him. We did not force the others to stroke his beard or his ego because well, we just weren’t up for the fight, you know?
More bygones.
If either Little G or Baby K ask me some day why there is no picture with them and Santa I’ll tell them the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You didn’t wanna so we didn’t make ya. And I DO think the kid screaming pics are cute and funny but just not of my kids. Oh my tender ears.
Ah whatever. I do have this awesome shot of them all STILL waiting for Santa.
Okay, not so awesome. But typical. Definitely typical.
And now at least this way we know they were all there.
See previous year’s Santa Pics Here. You know you want to.
pssssst… no Miss Elaine-ous Monday for the rest of the year. Just too much going on and I like to visit all of your posts when you do link up. I’ll start it again in January, k?
Your kids are just stinkin’ cute.
This is the first year that my boys would sit on Santa’s lap. Last year they stood and talked to him, the year before that we got one of those ever so cute pictures of the screaming child on Santa’s lap. I really wasn’t sure what to expect this year, so I was pleasantly surprised that they were so excited to see him. It really does make for a cuter picture
My youngest did not sit on Santa’s lap this year (which I kind of think that is a good think because isn’t it kind of creepy that I would say go sit on this strange man’s lap), but she did stand by him as long as her older brother came along (which he loved!).
I love the naughty or nice sign though there should be some button in the back that parents can press, you know just to scare them a little.
I like your attitude. It’s just not worth the stress of forcing the whole Santa thing! All 3 of my kids were scared of him (and anything in a costume, actually) for the longest time. I have a hilarious picture of Shelbie on the Easter bunny’s lap screaming her face off.
Lap or no lap, your kids are pure adorable! Pure! xo
Love that last pic…completely priceless!
Last week we were at the mall and I asked E if she wanted to go see Santa…. she declined….. then rolled her eyes. Enjoy it while you can, even if only one will sit on his lap.
Santa is kind of a scary endeavor at first, so I can’t really blame them, and that line was ridiculous! Although he’s a very, very Santa looking Santa, so maybe that’s why the line was packed.
so cute
we aren’t even going to try santa this year, because lucy cries at the grocery store bagger if he looks at her. and we all know how emma’s previous years have gone, lol. oh well. maybe one day.
They’re soo cute! I must admit, we’ve never been great about making the Santa visits. I have a few with each kidlet, but not one from each year. Think I’m scarring them for life?! ;> Thanks for sharing yours!
This is just too cute. Love it. And I LOVE that you didn’t stress about all of the kids not being in the picture. I would have made all my bawling kids sit on Santa’s lap cuz I’m so mean like that.
Oh, and I was actually gonna participate (for once) in Misc Monday today. HAHAHA! I don’t blame you for dropping it for the year tho. Enough going on already.
All the photos — super cute.
I’ve never understood why kids don’t want to sit on Santa’s lap he seems like a nice guy and he brings you presents and candy!
I always crack up at the fact that so many kids are afraid of Santa. My kids could be Santa models, they sit and smile happily. The flipside of that is they have no healthy fear of strangers. I have to make sure they don’t just wonder offwith random people! lol
Bud RAN to him and gave him the hugest hug. It was the cutest thing ever, which means it was not captured via photo or video.
Too funny! I bet that dang arrow always lands on “nice” much to the chagrin of all parents waiting in that line.
No idea what will happen this year. Hoping the oldest will convince the youngest to join in!