You like random right?
Good, ’cause that’s what you get today.
This was part of my lunch the other day Don’t you want to eat it? I want to eat it again but alas, I have no mozzarella.
I finally COMPLETELY finished the one and only dress I’ve made for K (so far…).
I added some rosettes by the straps (possibly to cover up some *cough* imperfections *cough*) and some ribbon trim on the bottom. She actually wore it out in public, to church, on Sunday. We took her to the church nursery and the lovely lady that works there immediately said, “Oh, did Mommy make you a dress?!” I wasn’t quite sure how to take that. Hmmmm….
Some handsome dude I know started school on Monday.
He keeps telling me there is going to be “lots” of homework but I have yet to see any. And today when I asked him how his day was he said, “Same as yesterday… gosh Mom!” Does that start already? If so, I’m not ready for it.
He told me he wanted to ride the bus this year (he would only ride it home since Tim drops him off in the mornings) but he decided against it right now since he feels it’s too hot to walk home from the stop. Can’t say that I blame him one bit. We’ll see what he wants to do when it cools off…
He also lost another tooth over the weekend and another one is loose. AND! get this! The “tooth fairy” FORGOT to visit on the first night. He told me his “best idea” was that I was the tooth fairy and that I forgot.
I think the jig might be up soon… what about y’all?
File under, too smart for his own britches. Ugh.
So, have your kids started school? If not, when will they?
What random stuff is up in your life today?
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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